11 - 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔚𝔞𝔤𝔢𝔯

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The road that led to the arena was eerily quiet.  It was lined with high walls covered in moss and vines making a quick escape difficult if not impossible.  Lukrasta's ornate carriage finally came to a halt at the gates.  A lone golden-haired man stood blocking the gate as if he was waiting for them to arrive.  Had the mages foreseen their visit?  Across from him stood the hairy Kobalos guards armed with spears and swords at their side.  Lukrasta sat in the carriage palming the scepter in his hand a symbol of sovereignty.  He looked the part of a prince and across from him sat Grimalkin who had transformed herself into a dark queen.  Their eyes met and they nodded as if to say they were ready.

As the Kobalos guards watched, Lukrasta exited the carriage and took Grimalkin's hand.  She floated out of the gilded vessel wearing a black crown on her head, her pale skin glowing in eerily light. The Kobalos guards looked at each other and bowed to the regal couple.  Perhaps thinking they were exalted guests of their Mage rulers.

They walked the rest of the way on a path bored by tall trees.  As they approached the arena, they could hear the loud cheers and feel the vibrating ground under their feet.  The Kobalos wailed their hairy arms and stomped on the ground in their excited agitation.  Grimalkin calmly floated all the way into the arena with all eyes on her as a hush blanketed the rowdy crowd.  Upon entering, Lukrasta waited to be greeted showing no sign of fear on his features.  The powerful mage does not ask who their leader is, the ruler comes to them and moments later there he was fearlessly riding into the arena as if he owned it.

But how was this handsome young man the leader of these hairy creatures?  He dismounted his horse, and with arrogance in his bearing, he came up to them flanked by his guards.

"Welcome, visitors."  He said flamboyantly, "I'm glad you have found us!  I am prince Hoseok of the Kobalos. Where do you come from?"

"Thank you for your welcome, we are from the Pendel district in the South.  This is Grimalkin, the queen of the county witches," he says gesturing towards Grimalkin, "and I am Lukrasta, we are servants of the dark.  We heard of this spectacle and wanted to witness it ourselves."  

Grimalkin slightly bowed her head as the prince eyed her with interest.

With a fierceness to his expressive eyes, the Kobalos prince agreed.  "It is quite a spectacle.  We have all manner of dark creatures to battle to the death."

"If you don't mind me asking, why don't you look like a Kobalos?"

"Some of us look human because of our human mothers. Don't be fooled.  I still have all the Kobalos mage traits," he explained with a smirk, "including drinking blood," the beguiling prince paused for effect, "and we are just as powerful."

"I see," Lukrasta said with a tilt to his head.  "May we also wager on the winner? To add to the fun,"  Lukrasta added.

"Sure, what would you like to wager." 

Lukrasta liked this stranger before him and found him immensely interesting.  He wishes they could become allies so they can learn of each other's magic. Lukrasta put his fingers together lightly tapping them as he thought. 

"Come, sit with me," the handsome Kobalos said to his visitors.

Grimalkin and Lukrasta followed him to the special seating area.

Grimalkin sat on the throne-like chair looking regal and bored with the unusual surroundings

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Grimalkin sat on the throne-like chair looking regal and bored with the unusual surroundings. 

Lukrasta spoke, "I'll wager on the winner.  If they win I get to keep it and if they lose I will give you this bag of gold."  He taped the pouch that hung on his belt.

The prince's face lit up and he clapped his hands in delight.  "I like that idea.  We also wager on the winners but why would you want to keep it."

"Just a whim, I suppose.  How do you control them?"

"I control them with my mind cause I have drunk their blood. They are compelled to do my bidding."

"I see, but in order for the bet to be fair, you can't control the outcome."

The prince laughed, "of course not.  Let's chose one that I haven't sired."

The attendants brought out the next to spar.  There was an uproar in the crowd as the mage's started betting on the outcome and Kobalos howled in delight.

Grimalkin's eyes glittered as she saw the foul thing that was brought out along with Tom, a mere boy of 17.  Tom looked grim facing the horrendous creature.  He took a moment to scan the crowd and his eyes focused on those sitting in the throne area.  He did not recognize Grimalkin nor did he see Sally in the crowd with Alice waiting to assist him with her magic.  The stage was set, but would Tom be victorious with the assistance of Lukrasta, Alice and Grimalkin working together?

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