17 - 𝔊𝔯𝔦𝔪𝔞𝔩𝔨𝔦𝔫'𝔰 ℭ𝔥𝔬𝔦𝔠𝔢

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Grimalkin was still unaware that the reason she had passed out was due to a special skill held by the Kobalos mage called Boska. The mage varies the effects of Boska by altering the chemical composition of his breath.  He can induce sudden unconsciousness, paralysis or terror within a human victim and she was still feeling the effects even now.  The bed was so comfortable but why did she feel like she couldn't get up, but she must get up.  "I have to find James," she thought.  

Grimalkin pictured his face in her mind and a sweet smile of content formed on her face.  She thought of those moments spent in his arms in the small bed at the inn.  How nice it was to feel his soft skin under her fingertips.  She loved the feel of his lips on hers.  His sweet kisses giving her butterflies in her stomach, his warm body curled up so close, but the best thing was the way he gazed at her making her feel special and loved for the first time in her life. 

Their lovemaking had been magical.  Then her thoughts turned dark as she thought of the danger he was in because of her.  She believed Hoseok that James had gotten away, but it made her realize he wasn't for her.  She was a dark malevolent witch assassin and he was a blacksmith with no powers.  She did not fit in his world, nor him in hers.  The best she could do to protect him would be to let him go.  Yes, it would hurt at first, but as she knew so well, the heart can withstand so much pain.

Having made up her mind, Grimalkin continued to accept the prince's hospitality. Dining on rich foods she had never had, and enjoying a comfortable life every day was wonderful. She felt accepted by the other mages, Balkai and Jabka, that were also Dexturai.  Born of human females, they look totally human, the same as Hoseok, but are extremely strong and hardy warriors. 

They dined together and she learned of the Shaiksa, the Kobalos brotherhood of assassins. Although sometimes they slipped into their native tongue, Losta, she paid close attention to all their conversations.  Even though the Kobalos had a low opinion of females, they were very attentive and never rude to her probably because they thought her a queen.  

The days that followed were pleasant.  The prince showered her with gifts, beautiful dresses, jewelry, but her favorite was a magnificent black stallion. Together they rode racing each other through open country.  Grimalkin relished this very much never having had the opportunity in her past.  They hunted in the forest for sport which she also enjoyed.  

On occasion, their bloodlust was satisfied with the insane arena fights. She fancied it so much that she itched to take part and hone her skills against the evil creatures.  Another part of her relished luxuriating in long hot baths prepared for her by the servants.  The new lovers spent their nights making love enthralled with each other.  Hoseok was able to fascinate her with his powers and enthrall her with his lovemaking.

Hoseok's initial attraction was growing to something deeper.  He wanted to possess her heart and put his mark on her. Up until now, he had resisted his urge to bite her and make her his queen. No matter how much he longs to, he loved her and wanted her to be his willingly.

Alone in the room, Grimalkin was admiring at herself in the mirror seeing how different she looked in this lavish feminine garb

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Alone in the room, Grimalkin was admiring at herself in the mirror seeing how different she looked in this lavish feminine garb.  As she brushed her long hair, she caught a hint of blue in the mirror.   She looked closer into the glass as it started to fog.  Suddenly, Alice's reflection was looking back at her mouthing her name.  

As Grimalkin concentrated, the picture became clearer.  She could see Alice clearly now asking her if she was safe.  Grimalkin stared hard at her and gave her the briefest of nods to reassure her.  Not being able to wait any longer, James came into the picture.  The moment she saw his concerned face she felt guilty.  The pain in her heart was back no matter how hard she sought to suppress it.  

He stared at her and put his hand out as if he could touch her and mouthed the words, "I love you, come back to me," and then he disappeared.  For Grimalkin, it was like a stab in the heart and tears unwillingly welled in her eyes.

  For Grimalkin, it was like a stab in the heart and tears unwillingly welled in her eyes

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Alice turned to face James.  She felt bad for him but there was nothing to be done.  She knew she was right to deny him this peek.  His face even more confused and tortured than before.

She tried to say it as gently as she could.  "She is fine, James.  She looks healthy and she was nicely dressed. It looks to me like she is with him of her own free will."  

But James couldn't accept it.  He knew she loved him.  He could see it in her face.

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