First Day On The Job

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•D• (A week later)

Today is my first day. And it was also a pretty nervous day for me as well. I was extremely anxious.

The night before I studied my victim. Julian Reynolds, 35. He was a drug lord. Of course my first mission would be to assassinate a drug lord.

I liked into all his interest and hobbies. He liked to be at the shooting range on his freetime.

Next, I looked into this shooting range, it was an illegal shooting range. From what I read about the incidents, they didn't care about safety regulations or anything of that sort.

There was an incident before, when I read about it, it said that a guy had been shot at the range-and no investigation happened.

During the week I went to the range and studied it. The exits, the people, the ins and outs. Everything.

Including, Julian Reynolds. He was always there, he stayed from 5:00 to 8:30. At 8:30 someone in a car was waiting for him.

Well this shouldn't be hard. Other than the fact that he always has bodyguards. I groaned. There was no way I was going to ask Luciano for help, he'd never let me go unattended or alone.

I shut my laptop down and put it on my bedside table. I laid back in my bed, and drifted off to sleep.

I was changing into a pair of black leggings and a black one piece. I slipped my vans on and grabbed a duffel bag. After I watched Luciano I was sure I could do it.

The duffel bag was filled with weapons. I opened my bedroom door. I was ready.

I walked down the stairs to the kitchen where Luciano sat waiting for me. "You got this?" Luciano asked. I nodded. "I can do it. Now let's go, he leaves at 8:30 sharp." I said.

He followed me to the car. A different one this time. A black Honda Civic.
I got into the drivers seat, and Luciano took a seat in the passengers seat. I put the duffel in the back seat.

I sped off down the road, to the other side of town. That's where I was headed.

I made there in under 20 minutes. The drive was most definitely not an easy one for Luciano.

He was literally on the edge of his seat, he complained that I drove too fast. He's lucky, because I could have gone way faster.

I liked how the wind blew in my hair. I felt free. Little did I know I wasn't at all free.

I sighed. "Are you sure you can do this?" Luciano said. "Yes." Was all I answered.

I grabbed a handgun from my duffel bag and headed inside. There were a lot of people here, way more that I guessed would be here.

I walked to the desk in the corner of the room, who had been eying me since I walked in.

"Hey, that's 50 bucks." He said. I raised a brow. "Come on, this place is as trashy as it is, why would I pay you 50 when I could go to the range down the road?" I said.

His eyes narrowed. "Touché." He finally said. I smirked. "That'll be 15." He said.

I grabbed a 50 dollar bill from my pocket and handed it to him. He looked at me with shock.

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