Chapter 54: End of the trip

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Hi guys, I'm spending the weekend at my grandparents place and I somehow forgot all my school stuff at home (don't know how that could happen), anyway this means I have a lot of time for all my Sonamy stories and I'll do a few updates this weekend. Hope you enjoy reading and thanks for your patient.

Amy was speechless as she saw Sonic kneeling in front of her, while blushing terrible. "YES, of course I'll marry you." Amy said cheerful before she jumped onto Sonic, hugging and kissing him. The sudden action from Amy caused Sonic to lose balance and they both landed in the mud, but neither of them cared and they just continued kissing while Sonic put the ring on Amys finger.

Their kissing scene endet as a sudden thunder interrupted them. "I guess we should go back to the tent. I don't want you to get sick." Sonic said as he noticed the rain coming down heavier than before. "I was about to say the same. Come on let's go." Amy said and they both stood up and walked back towards their tent.

About twenty minutes later, after slipping a few times in the mud, Sonic and Amy were finally back at their camping place and they were surprised by something horrible. "What happened to our stuff, have we forgotten to close the tent before we left." Amy asked shocked as she saw all the stuff which was inside the tent soaked wet. "I guess that's what happened." Sonic said nervous, who apparently forgot to close the tent after he was searching for the ring. 

"Great, what are we supposed to do now." Amy asked annoyed. "We better go back home, there's no point of us sleeping here." Sonic suggested and Amy agreed. "Alright than let's pack up all the stuff." Amy said and they started packing immediately. 

After about twenty minutes they were done and Sonic put the backpack on and took Amy bridal-style and he ran off towards Amys house. But getting there took a bit long, since the road was a bit muddy and Sonic was slipping a few times, causing him and Amy to land in the mud. 

An hour later they were back at Amy's house. "Finally home, I look like a mess." Amy said as she tried to get all the mud out of her fur. Sonic tried to shake off the mud but it didn't work he than glazed over on the clock and noticed that it almost was midnight. "It sure is late, we better get Dash tomorrow." Sonic said and Amy agreed. "Yeah. I will be taking a shower now." Amy said and walked towards the bathroom. "Amy how about-" "No, I'm taking a shower on my own." Amy said interrupting Sonic, knowing what he wanted to say. 

Sonic crossed his arms and waited patiently till Amy was out of the bath so he can take a shower too. It was already after midnight as Sonic and Amy both were done and ready for bed. "Good night Sonic." Amy said as she turned off the light. "Night." Sonic said as he watched Amy. 


>The next morning<

Sonic and Amy were eating their breakfast while they were talking. "When do you want to tell the others about us getting married?" Sonic asked. "I don't know, how about we keep quiet about this for a bit longer. By the way when do you want to get Dash?" Amy asked before she took a sip of her cocoa. "I don't know, I mean we planned to be gone till tomorrow so we actually don't have to get him back till tomorrow." Sonic said hoping to spend the rest of the weekend with Amy like he has planned.

"Are you sure, I miss him terrible, can't we get him today." Amy asked with pleading eyes. "Alright, if you insist." Sonic said. "Thanks Sonic" Amy said and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before she put the dishes into the kitchen sink. 

Sonic and Amy spend the rest of the day cuddling on the couch while watching a few movies and it soon was 5 p.m. and they went into the village towards Shadow and Rouges apartment.  As they stood in front of the apartment door Sonic was about to knock but he stopped as he heard talking and movement behind the apartment door.

"Dash please get down from there. SHADOW DO SOMETHING BEFORE HE FALLS DOWN FROM THERE." Rouge shouted. "I 'M ALREADY TRYING BUT I CAN'T REACH HIM" they heard Shadow shouting back. "What are they doing inside there?" Amy asked and tried to open the door, which surprisingly was opened.

They then saw Rouge standing in front of a high bookshelf while Shadow tried to climb up to get Dash, who sat on top of the bookshelf with a Cookie in his hands. Suddenly Shadow and Rouge stopped arguing as they heard someone coming inside the living room. "Sonic, Amy what are you doing here." Rouge asked.

As Dash saw his parents he smiled happily and dashed down the bookshelf, knocking Shadow down the bookshelf by doing so, and ran right towards Amy. He then jumped onto Amy who stumbled backwards because of the sudden force, causing her to fall backwards right onto Sonic who also fall down on the ground. 

"I thought you were gone till tomorrow?" Rouge asked and looked at Dash who hugged Amy as if his life would depend on it. "I don't care, as long as they take this troublemaker with them." Shadow said after he was back on his feed.

"Shadow! But seriously, why are you back this soon, did something happen." Rouge asked a bit concerned. "Actually something awesome happened but sadly our tent got flooded so we had to come back home." Amy said smiling and looking lovely at Sonic. "So, what was the awesome part." Rouge asked curious. "I will tell you soon enough, anyway where is Dashs stuff." Amy said, who still held onto Dash. 

"Shadow go get the bag. Please tell me Amy, I wanna know." Rouge said shooing Shadow to get the bag while trying to get Amy to tell her. "No Rouge, I will tell you another time." Amy said. "There is Faker Jr.'s stuff, now leave and take that annoying thing with you." Shadow said as he tossed the bag towards Sonic, hoping to hit his head.

"You will have a little Grumpy Jr. yourself soon, and I bet your kid will be as troublesome as mine." Sonic said. "No way am I going to get such an annoying kid, mine will be much better than yours." Shadow said protesting. The black and blue hedgehog both glared and growled at each other.

"Alright Sonic, let's go now before this get's out of hand." Amy said taking Sonic's hand to lead him out off the apartment before the two would do something they would regret later. "By Amy, don't forget to tell me about your trip." Rouge said, as she also tried to calm Shadow down.

Alright, hope you liked this chapter and I'm also really sorry for keeping you waiting this long. 

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