Chapter 20: Babysitting

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As said I updated another chapter today, I hope you like it.

Amy came back to her friends in the living room and looked at them. "I guess we don't have muffins for the picnic ... wait I forgot, I have some cookies left." Amy said as she went back in the kitchen. "Oh no." Sonic said as he stood up and put Dash on the couch and ran out of the house. "What's up with him now?" Knuckles asked as he looked as well as Dash and all the others after Sonic. 

Suddenly the kitchen door swung open and a furious Amy came out of the kitchen with her hammer in her hand. "Where is he?" Amy said angrily as she looked at her friends. "Where is who?" Tails asked. "You know exactly who I mean ... I mean that blue cookie eating hedgehog." Amy said angrily as she stood face to face with Tails. "Why are you so angry Pinky?" Rouge asked as she pushed Tails out of her way, so that she can look at Amy. 

"That blue idiot eat, once again, all my cookies." Amy said angry. "If you want to know where he went, he was running out of the house a few seconds before you came out of the kitchen." Shadow said and grinned. "Thanks, can you guys look after Dash as long as I go on a hedgehog hunt, thanks." Amy said as she stormed out of her house. "Wait babysitting?" Shadow and Silver said at the same time. 

While Amy was searching for Sonic the others were sitting in the living room with a confused looking Dash. "Didn't both of them say he's crying if one of them isn't near him?" Knuckles asked and Dash started crying. "Good work Knuckles, now you remind him." Sticks said annoyed. "Can someone make him stop this is annoying." Shadow said as he covered his ears. "Okay I can try if you want, I don't think that it is that difficult to stop a baby from crying." Silver said as he went towards the baby. 

"Oh no, you don't. I'm not letting you take this baby, you're to clumsy to hold him. Come on baby, come to aunt Rouge." Rouge said as she took Dash before Silver could take him. "Hey, I can hold a baby, without letting it fall." Silver said as he crossed his arms. "Sure Silver." Blaze said sarcastically and followed Rouge as well as Sticks and Cream. "But that's not fair, how can I prove that I'm not clumsy with a baby, if you don't allow me to hold him?" Silver asked. 

"For the last time Silver, you're not going to hold him." Rouge said while trying to stop him from crying. "Unfair" Silver said as he sat on the floor still with his arms crossed. "They're right, you are to clumsy." Shadow said as he looked down at Silver. "Don't worry Silver, I'm also not allowed to hold him, they say I'm to stupid." Knuckles said as he sat next to Silver. Shadow and Silver looked at each other and Tails just shook his head at Knuckles comment.

While the boys were sitting/standing somewhere in the living room the girls sat in a circle on the couch with Dash in between of them. "Okay, now what does aunt Rouge try to stop him from crying?" Blaze asked. "I don't know, maybe it helps if I cuddle with him. Amy and Sonic are always doing this when he cries." Rouge said as she took him and began to cuddle with him. "It looks like aunt Rouge can't stop the baby from crying." Shadow said as he stood, all of a sudden behind Rouge. "SHUT UP, maybe he wants something to eat." Rouge said. 

"You really want to try to feed him, you saw what he did to Sonic." Blaze said and began to snicker. "Yea but he is doing this only with him, I mean didn't he say he never does this with Amy." Rouge answered as she walked towards the kitchen and gave Dash to Shadow before she went there. "Wait why do you give me this Faker junior, give him to one of the girls." Shadow said as he gave him back to her. "If you say so." Rouge said and gave Dash to Blaze.

Rouge came back with a glas of baby food and sat on the couch again. She opened the glas and then she sat Dash on her lap. She tried to feed him but he wasn't opening his mouth. "Well at least you made him quiet." Silver said. "But why isn't he eating?" Tails asked. "Do I look like I know why? ...... Come on Dash open your mouth and eat your food." Rouge said but Dash wasn't doing anything. "I don't understand this, it looks so easy when Sonic did it." Cream said. 

"When that hedgehog with a brain of a child can feed a baby I can do it as well. .... Come on Dash eat your food for aunt Rouge." Rouge said but Dash was still doing nothing. "Maybe he will do it for 'mommy and daddy' ... try if he eats after you said that." Sticks said and looked at Rouge. "Okay I'll try. .... Come on Dash eat your food for your mommy and daddy." Rouge said and snickered. "It still sounds weird to call them both mom and dad." Tails said and the boys agreed. Then Dash ate the food that was on the spoon. 

"Yes, I did it. See, I'm the best aunt ever" Rouge said but then Dash suddenly spit his food at Rouge. "Ewww" The others laughed, expect for Shadow who went in the bathroom to get a towel. As he came back he gave Rouge the towel. "Thanks Shadow, and the rest of you stop laughing or try it your self, I bet he's going to spit his food at you as well." Rouge said as she gave Dash to Blaze and crossed her arms afterward. 

But then all of a sudden the door swung open and in came a running Sonic who was hiding behind Shadow and Rouge. "Hide me." he said. They all looked confused at him but then everyone looked towards the door again as Amy came running inside and closed the door with anger. "Where is he?" Amy said angrily and Rouge and Shadow went both away so that Amy could see Sonic. "No, why did you do that? Now I'm dead." Sonic said as he saw Shadow and Rouge going away from him. 

Amy made her way to Sonic and hit him with her hammer. "And to answer your question why we did this. First Shadow doesn't like you that much and second your son spit his food on me." Rouge said angrily. Sonic just began to laugh as he saw Rouge's face still covered in baby food. "Stop laughing you were looking even worse than her." Shadow said and glared at Sonic. "Can we go on our picnic now I'm hungry." Knuckles said.

And done for today ............. or maybe not, I'm still in writing mood so maybe I'll update another chapter today. I hope you like it so far and I'm really sorry for all my mistakes. 

Sonamy Boom: Baby (On Hold)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें