Chapter 47: When will you tell him

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Alright Lilli is back with a new chapter. I'm sorry that I'm not updating anything lately but school is keeping me busy a lot. Thanks for all the reads, votes and comments I hope you enjoy reading.

"So now what are you doing hiding behind those bushes?" Sonic asked again. "We were just ... building a snowman. Yea that's what we did." Silver said and smiled nervously while Shadow glared at him not saying anything. "No that's not true. They took Dash as bait so they can throw a few snowballs at Sonic." Rouge said and crossed her arms. "It was all Shadow's idea." Silver said as he hid behind Shadow as he saw the glare Amy gave him. "WHAT, I wasn't even throwing a snowball and don't you dare blame me for this." Shadow said as he turned back around and glared at Silver. 

"Okay fine, it was my idea. I just wanted to have some fun." Silver said with his head down. "But using my son as bait isn't fun." Sonic said with crossed arms. "Could we discuss that after we are back inside? Dash shivers a bit." Amy said as she pulled her jacked more around him. "Fine by me." Blaze said and Rouge nodded. Sonic dropped his discussion with Silver and they walked back towards Amy and Sonic's house.

"Now what brings you here?" Amy asked as they were back inside the house. "Well I need to talk with you and Shadow should actually be food shopping." Rouge said and looked back at Shadow. "What you never said I should go to the store." Shadow said confused. "I guess I forgot to tell you, anyway here's the list." Rouge said and gave Shadow a shopping list. "You know Sonic you could go to the store as well." Amy said knowing that Rouge wants to get ride of the guys. 

"But food shopping is boring and I'm sure I would have a lot of fun staying here." Sonic said smirking. "No I think it would be best if you go with Shadow. I'll be right back with a list." Amy said and ran off to the kitchen. "But, hey wait!" Sonic said but Amy was already out of the living room. "Alright here's the list." Amy said as she came back into the room.

"But Amy why can't you go, food shopping is BORING." Sonic said as Amy handed him the list. "Well Shadow can give you company." Amy said smirking while Sonic tried to find an excuse to stay at home. "Are you serious? Those two will kill each other." Blaze said knowing the two hedgehogs well. "You're right. Silver go with them and make sure they don't kill each other." Rouge said. "Wait why do I have to take care of them all the time?" Silver asked.

"Cause you can keep both of them away from each other. Now get going before the store closes." Amy said and pushed the three hedgehogs out of the front door. "Alright now that the boy's are busy and out of the house you can start talking." Amy said as she got back into the living room. "Talk about what?" Blaze asked confused cause she didn't hear Rouge's news yet.

"Alright if I tell you, you have to promise to not tell anyone." Rouge said and Blaze nodded. "I promise." Blaze said getting interested in whatever Rouge is going to tell her. "I'm pregnant." Rouge said while Blaze looked surprised at her. "What, really? Congratulation, so who's the father?" Blaze asked with a grin on her face. "You know who the father is Blaze. Now tell me what you wanted to talk about." Amy interrupted the two of them and sat down on the couch beside her two friends.

"Oh yeah right, well I still haven't told Shadow yet ... I mean I wanted to but I stopped myself every time." Rouge said. "And when are you planning to tell him?" Amy asked knowing that she can't force her to tell Shadow. "Well I don't know yet." Rouge said. "I wouldn't wait that long if I were you. I think it's better if you tell him before he finds out himself." Blaze said and Amy nodded. "I know, and you both are right, but I can't get myself to tell him. What if he breaks up with me, I'm sure he isn't ready to be a father yet. I actually don't even know if he was actually planning to be a father someday." Rouge said panicking.

"Don't panic I'm sure he wouldn't leave you with a baby, first because I would go after him and would knock some sense into him and second because he loves you." Amy said ready to go after Shadow with her hammer. "Thanks Pinky." Rouge said and hugged Dash. "Yea Amy is right. Now when are you planning to tell him?" Blaze asked. "I don't know, but I'm sure I'll chicken out as soon as I want to tell him." Rouge said with a small smile.

Suddenly Amy jumped up surprising Rouge and Blaze and also Dash who played with his wooden blocks. "I have a great idea." Amy said with a bright smile on her face. "Would you mind sharing your idea with us?" Blaze asked after Amy looked deep in thought about something. "Oh yeah right. Maybe you can tell him the news at our christmas party." Amy said cheerful. "What christmas party?" Blaze asked knowing nothing about a christmas party. "The one I just decided to do." Amy said happy with her hands together. 

"You know that's actually a great idea, and I can just write a card with the news. Amy you're a genius." Rouge said and jumped up to hug her again. "Why are you two hugging each other?" someone form the doorway asked. The girls looked towards the voice and saw Sonic, Shadow and Silver standing in the doorway with a few shopping bags in their hands. "Jealous Sonic?" Rouge asked smirking. "What, no way." Sonic said and blushed before he ran off into the kitchen to put the groceries away. 

"So what were you talking about while we were gone?" Silver asked curious and sat down on the floor beside Dash, who still played with his wooden blocks. "Amy thought about making a christmas party at her place." Blaze said while Sonic came back into the room. "Doesn't that sound great Shadow?" Rouge asked excited and looked at Shadow. "Sure great." Shadow said, not really interested in all the party stuff. 

"Can't you be excited for something at once?" Rouge asked and crossed her arms. "Whatever, you are going with me to the party if you want to or not." Rouge said stubborn. "Wait a second when did you decide to throw a party?" Sonic asked and looked at Amy. "About eight minutes ago." Amy said cheerful. "And when were you planning to tell me about your great party idea?" Sonic asked smirking. "Whatever I think we should go now before my groceries get bad." Rouge said before she stood up and walked towards the doorway where Shadow was still standing.

"Finally." Shadow said as they walked out of the house. "Alright we have to go too. We still have to get our toaster from Tails." Blaze said and stood up as well. "Why do you have to get it from Tails?" Sonic asked curious. "Well after a certain hedgehog, somehow managed to ruin the toaster we asked Tails if he could fix it for us." Blaze said and glared at Silver. "Oops" Silver said and scratched the back of his head. "Well, have fun getting back your toaster, bye guys." Amy said after Silver and Blaze walked out of the house.

"Now why are you really going to throw a christmas party?" Sonic asked knowing that Amy had a good reason for the christmas party. "Well, Rouge still hasn't told Shadow yet. So I thought the christmas party would be perfect for telling him." Amy said excited. "That's a great idea Amy, that way I can see Shadow's expression, you're a genius." Sonic said and hugged Amy. "Thanks and by the way tomorrow you can help me decorating the house for the christmas party." Amy said and Sonic immediately let go of her. 

"What no way, you know I can't decorate." Sonic said, actually not wanting to do anything. "Well then it's time for you to learn." Amy said. "But you know I hate it. And bye the way someone has to keep an eye on Dash right. So I'm really sorry but I think you have to decorate yourself." Sonic said and walked towards Dash. "Not so fast, Dash can take a nap while we decorate. Now stop trying to find excuses, you are going to help me if you want to or not." Amy said with a not happy looking Sonic beside her.

Alright that's all you get for now. The next update will be next week (I guess, but I can't promise) or I will upload a longer chapter when my winter break starts. Hope you liked this chapter.

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