Chapter 43: Dash's first snow part 1

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Sorry for not updating this long ... I guess the last update was a month ago ... anyway I'm really sorry that you all have to wait that long. I really try to update more but somehow my internship get's in my way a lot and I had a few things to do in my free time. But enjoy reading.

It was a few days after Rouge told Amy that she's pregnant and Sonic promised Amy to tell no one about it, even if he really wants to see Shadow's face. Sonic was already sitting in bed with Dash on his lab as he told him a good night story as Amy came into the room.

"Are you serious, tell him already." Amy said with her phone in hand. Sonic knew immediately that she was talking with Rouge. Sonic stopped reading so he could listen to Amy's conversation as Amy got into bed next to him. "But you wanted to tell him as soon as you got home five days ago." Amy said as she got under the cover.

Sonic leaned his head towards Amy's so he could hear better but Amy pushed him away form her and gave him a small glare. "Come on I'm not gonna tell anyone." Sonic whispered towards her but Amy gave him a glare and he was quiet.

"Sorry Rouge can you say the last part again ... I got distracted." Amy asked after she didn't hear everything Rouge said. "But you have to tell him before he finds out himself, how do you think he would react if he finds out himself?" Amy asked and Sonic looked frustrated towards her. But Dash got him out of it as he kicked him. "OW!" Sonic groaned after Dash kicked him in the belly.

Amy looked a bit worried at Sonic but was amused as she saw the kinda angry look on Dash. "Why did you do that, that hurts you know." Sonic said as he had one hand on his belly and the other hand behind Dash's back. "Um Rouge can we talk tomorrow again ... alright bye." Amy said and ended the call. "What did he do to you  Sonic?" Amy asked and put her phone at the nightstand.

"He kicked me ... again." Sonic said as he put the book he had also on the nightstand and put Dash in the middle of the bed. "Well actually it's your own fault, that just happened cause you stopped reading just to listen to one of my conversations again." Amy said smirking at Sonic, who just rolled his eyes. "Sure that's why." Sonic said sarcastic. Amy just giggled and turned the light off. 

"Hey I'm not tired turn the light on again" Sonic complained as he sat in bed but Amy ignored him. "AMY ... I'm bored." Sonic said again but Amy pretended to be asleep. "Oh come on ... nobody falls asleep that fast ... Amy!" Sonic said as he pocked her on the shoulder.

"Sonic if you are still that bored how about you go for a run or something but let me sleep in peace." Amy said as she finally turned around. "You're no fun, but fine ... I'm going on a run." Sonic said as he jumped up and ran out of the room. Amy watched Sonic leave before she turned around and hugged Dash and started cuddling with him.

Sonic came back half an hour later but he was all wet, he slammed the door shut behind him after he walked inside. Amy woke up from the noise and stood up, wondering why there was a noise downstairs. She walked as quiet downstairs as she could, as she suddenly jumped back a bit as she came face to face with a wet Sonic.

"Whoa! ... Amy? I thought you were already asleep." Sonic said as he saw it was her. "Tell me how I could sleep if you make such a noise down here, and why are you so wet?" Amy asked as she noticed his wet fur. "It started raining like crazy just after I was gone for ten minutes." Sonic said as he walked towards the bathroom.

"Um okay ... I go back to bed and be quiet when you get in bed, Dash's sleeping. It took me a few minutes to get him to sleep cause he started crying after you were gone." Amy said and Sonic nodded before she went back upstairs.

The next day Sonic woke up as he noticed someone climbing over him. He opened half of his eye and looked at a wide awake Dash. "Dash go back to sleep." Sonic mumbled as he saw him sitting beside him. Dash smiled down at his father and pocked his arm like he did the last night with Amy.

"Come on Dash, why do you always wake me." Sonic said and turned around so his back was facing Dash. Dash frowned and crawled to his father and started pocking Sonic's back but he ignored it. Dash then tried to crawl over him to poke his face but Sonic took him as he was laying over Sonic's arm.

"Alright Dash I'm up" Sonic whispered and stood up with Dash in his hands. "Maybe I should wake her like she woke me as we got Dash." Sonic thought as he saw Amy still sleeping. "No I'm not that mean." Sonic thought and went out of the room.

"Alright Dash what do you want for breakfast?" Sonic asked as he walked into the kitchen after he made his way downstairs. Dash wasn't even listening to his dad cause he was distracted by something as he looked out of the window in the kitchen.

"Hey, what are you starring at" Sonic asked as he saw his son starring outside the window. As Sonic also looked outside he started smiling. "Wow, looks like winter comes really early this year." Sonic said as he saw that everything was white outside.

"Hm, let's wait with breakfast for Amy." Sonic said as he saw his son was more interested in the falling snowflakes now than at food. Sonic then walked into the living room and sat down on the windowsill with Dash on his lap.

Alright I hope you like this new chapter and I will try to upload the next chapter earlier.  

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