Chapter 18: What now

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Sorry that it took me longer to update, but I continued writing on another story, because of my Sister. Anyway here is my new chapter, I hope you like it. And thanks for the reads votes and comments. 

"Come on you two just admit that you are together and have a child." Silver said. "For the last time we are not even dating yet." Sonic and Amy said at the same time and the others looked shocked at them. "You said yet, that means you want to date each other." Tails said amused. "No, we didn't mean it that way." Sonic said as he blushed as well as Amy. "Ohhh that's so cute." Cream said and Cheese agreed. "Can you stop it?" Amy said angrily. 

"Wait a second, maybe this child is from the future." Sticks said as she got all crazy again. "Don't be stupid Sticks this thing can't be from the future." Shadow said and rolled his eyes. "Amy I still can't believe that you lied and said you weren't pregnant." Rouge said disappointed. "Rouge for the last time, I was not pregnant, also the doctor said so. Besides, I was always around you and Dash looks like he is like two or three months old." Amy said angrily as she cuddled with Dash. 

"Wait a second, Tails didn't you say they both got injected with something from Eggman?" Shadow said all of a sudden. "Your right, so you mean that Eggman made this baby." Tails asked and Shadow nodded. "But how is this even possible?" Rouge asked. "I think I know what happend. He took some DNA from Amy as he captured her and as Sonic came to her rescue he got injured at his back, probably this robot took some DNA from Sonic and then Eggman mixed it." Tails said. "And he also injected them with this stuff so that they both can get prepared for taking care of a baby. Eggman wanted them both to find Dash." Tails said. 

"That means Dash is the baby of me and Sonic?" Amy asked and Tails nodded. "I knew it." Rouge said. "But I still don't get one thing. Why does Eggman want me and Amy to have a baby?" Sonic asked. "Maybe he thinks that you two are too busy with him and he can attack." Blaze said. "But I could still fight. Amy would look after Dash and I'm fighting." Sonic answered. "Wait, didn't you say he starts crying if one of you aren't near him?" Cream asked. "Okay, then we both are not fighting but you guys can fight." Amy said.

Suddenly their was a loud noise outside of the house. "What was that?" Silver asked as he and Shadow ran outside. The others also followed and they saw Eggman with a few small robots. "Really this is all you got?" Shadow said as he saw the few robots. "I don't really came to attack you I just want to know how Sonic and Amy are doing with there new family member." Eggman said smirking. "But boss, you know how they are doing, you're spying on them everyday since they found him." Cubot said. "Shut up you idiotic-bot." Eggman said. 

"So we were right, he is responsible for Dash." Tails said. "So you called my newest creation Dash? I have to admit that this isn't a bad name." Eggman said. "What do you mean your newest creation." Sonic said as he stood protective in front of Amy, who has Dash in her arms. "This little child in Amy's hands is going to destroy you all." Eggman said as he smirked again. "This is a baby, he couldn't even do anything." Knuckles said. "Now he can't do anything but when he get's older he is going to join my side." Eggman said grinning and the others were all shocked. 

Sonic got angry at the words from Eggman and he destroyed all the robots."Why should he join your side? If you want him on your side, why didn't you keep him?" Blaze asked while Sonic destroyed the robots. "That's simple I only need to push this little button and he turns evil." Eggman said laughing as he showed them the butten. "You wouldn't dare." Sonic said. "Oh I would dare. I also know that you and Amy aren't going to stop him from attacking everything, because you care for him." Eggman said and then he flew away in his Egg-mobile.

 Sonic glared after him and began to growl. "And what know?" Cream asked. "We have to get ride of this baby." Shadow said as he went towards Amy, who was holding the now crying hedgehog. "If you dare to touch him or Amy you're dead!" Sonic said as he suddenly stood in front of Amy. "Oh I would dare, so move out of my way faker." Shadow said. "Shadow stop it. We don't even know if this is true" Rouge said as she hold Shadow by the hand. "She's right Shadow." Blaze said. "So what are we going to do now?" Sticks asked. 

"We keep him." Amy and Sonic said, once again, at the same time.  "Okay, keep him if you want. But he'll be destroyed if he turns evil." Shadow said. "Tails is there maybe a way we can find out if he really can turn evil." Blaze asked. "I can look if I can find something, if you two agree with this." Tails said as he now was looking at Sonic and Amy. "Fine, but we'll come with you." Amy said as they all went towards Tails workshop. 

This chapter is a little bit shorter than my other ones but I maybe make the next one longer. I hope I didn't make much mistakes and I also hope you like the new chapter. And I try to update the next chapter either today or tomorrow. 

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