Chapter 33: New furniture and moving in

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I'm so terrible sorry for not updating anything for like two month ... except for my Tagged and Random stuff book ... but still I'm really sorry. I had so much work at my job to do and as I had time to write something I wrote on another story called The Adventure of Boogie and Ryan ... it's not a Sonamy story but there will be Sonamy in it ... you don't have to read it I just told you if anyone is interested. But I will try to update more often the next few days, if not I'm sure I'll update a lot next week because I have a week off of work so maybe I have more time to write. But now enjoy reading my next chapter.

Sonic went back in the kitchen, still confused why Amy all of a sudden changed her mind. After a few minutes he cleaned the whole mess in the kitchen and went upstairs to help his friends with the new furniture. "Is Amy still in the bathroom with Dash?" Sonic asked as he entered Dash's room and couldn't find Amy. "I think so. Can we start now?" Tails asked excited about building some stuff. "Sure let's start." Sonic said as he took the first box and opened it. 

"So what are we building first?" Sticks asked as Sonic put all the wooden stuff out of the box. "Looks like this is the wardrobe." Sonic said as he looked at the instructions. "Alright so let's start already I want to be done still today." Knuckles said as he took some pieces of the wardrobe. "Okay that piece is at the back ... and that one is one of the side pieces ..." Sonic said as he continued giving his friends orders how to build the wardrobe. 

Amy was in the bathroom and tried to get the mixed chilidog out of Dash's quills and fur. "Why did your daddy have to let you eat from the floor ... how am I supposed to get all that stuff out of your quills and fur?" Amy said as she washed Dash's quills now for the third time. 

"You are covered with mixed chilidog, Sonic has still a bit of that blue color in his fur and quills ... you sure are your fathers son." Amy said as she rubbed his quills dry with a towel. "Finally ... I thought you would never get clean." Amy said as she saw that no more chilidogs where somewhere on Dash. "Come on, we are going to help daddy with the furniture." Amy said as she picked the giggling Dash up. 

"Alright the wardrobe is done, next we have the shelf." Sticks said while Knuckles took the instructions. Meanwhile Amy entered the room and put Dash on the ground. "Wow the wardrobe looks great." Amy said as she saw the wardrobe. "Thanks" Sonic said as he waited for Knuckles to tell them how to put the shelf together. 

"Knuckles we are waiting ... where does each part go?" Sonic said as he looked impatient at Knuckles. "Wait a sec I still have to figure out what that words mean." Knuckles said as he starred at the instruction. "Gimme that." Sticks said as she take the instruction away from Knuckles. "Hey give that back." Knuckles said. "Sorry but you take forever." Sticks said and started to give orders.

After like one hour they were done with the furniture and they were all in the living room again. "You sure you don't need any help with putting all the stuff from Dash in his room?" Tails asked trying to be helpful. "No we got that and you guys did enough anyway." Sonic said and smiled. "Okay see you tomorrow bye guys." Sticks said and walked out of the door. " By Sticks." Sonic and Amy said at the same time. 

"I think I'm also going home now ... I still have to work on something at my plane." Tails said and walked home as well as Sticks. "Okay see you buddy." Sonic said. "What about you Knuckles are you also going home?" Amy asked. "Yea me and Espio are going to the movies so see you." Knuckles said as he left as well. Sonic closed the door after Knuckles left and looked back at Amy. They both went back upstairs and Amy put Dash in his crib. So she and Sonic can start putting all of Dash's stuff in his room.

A few minutes after they started to collect all of Dash's stuff they heard crying coming from Dash's bedroom. "Not again, why does he always have to cry when we're not around?" Sonic asked as he dashed upstairs to get Dash. "You know Eggman injected him with something that makes him cry when we are not around him." Amy said as Sonic came back with a crying Dash in his arms. 

"Yea I know, I still don't understand how he could do such a mean thing to a baby." Sonic said as he handed Dash to Amy. Dash stopped crying as he was in Amy's arms and fell asleep again. "Why is he so cute when he's asleep?" Amy asked as she watched Dash sleeping in her arms. "Because he looks like you, when you are asleep." Sonic said, causing Amy to blush. 

Amy went into the kitchen with Sonic and Dash right behind her. "Do you want the last two chilidogs for dinner or should I make something else?" Amy asked as she looked in the fridge. "Do you really have to ask?" Sonic said grinning. "It could be that you have enough of chilidogs." Amy said snickering. 

"If this should happen someday I'll be probably ill." Sonic said laughing. "Yea I know." Amy said as she handed Sonic the last two chilidogs. "Aren't you going to eat something" Sonic asked. "No, I'm not hungry." Amy said smiling at Sonic. After Sonic was done with eating he and Amy went upstairs to bring Dash once again in his crib but as soon as both left the room he started crying again. 

"I somehow start thinking that he doesn't need his own room." Sonic said as he got back inside Dash's room to take him into his and Amy's bedroom. "But at least we could put all his stuff somewhere." Amy said as she already was in bed as Sonic came inside the room. "Yea you're right." Sonic said as he also got into bed and laid Dash in between of them. After saying goodnight to each other they fell asleep.

This chapter got a little bit boring but I hope you still like it, I hope I can update a more interesting chapter soon.

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