Chapter 40: Late lunch

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"Well we can try to cook something." Tails said but Sonic shook his head. "Are you crazy after we are done with cooking the kitchen will be a mess and Amy will be after us and beside that we would mess up the food." Sonic said already panicking about a furious Amy.

"Don't panic Sonic, we also could just order some food or wake Amy up." Tails said but Sonic didn't agree. "Well I don't know ..." Sonic said. "Really ... you don't want to cook but also don't want to order something or wake Amy?" Sticks asked annoyed. "Well we ordered something yesterday and you know how expensive delivered food can be." Sonic said not wanting to order some food.

"Then let's cook something." Tails said not wanting his friends to argue. "Alright if you want to cook then cook something, I'm not going to burn Amy's kitchen down." Sonic said a bit louder but not that loud so he would wake Amy. "But I'm hungry I want something to eat NOW." Knuckles said and glared at Sonic.

"Guys stop fighting let's try to cook I mean I can cook a few things. It can't be so difficult to cook ... I don't know ... pasta for example." Tails said and Sticks agreed. "Okay fine let's try it." Sonic said but was still worried to mess something up. "Finely come on Knuckles you get something to eat now." Sticks said and walked with an exited Knuckles behind her in the kitchen.

"Alright Knuckles I need you to bring me a pot with water, Sticks you search for some pasta noodles and Sonic you search for some tomato sauce." Tails said. Knuckles gave Tails the pot with water, and Sonic was relieved that Knuckles didn't spill the water somewhere on the floor.

After a few minutes the water bowled and Tails told Sticks to put the noodles inside. Sticks does as she was told and now they had to wait. "While the noodles are taking their bath I'll go and check on Amy and Dash if you don't mind." Sonic said as he was already on his way out of the kitchen. "Go ahead Sonic, we don't mind." Sticks said and Sonic left the kitchen.

Sonic went upstairs and opened the door to his and Amy's bedroom. As he looked inside he saw Amy already awake with Dash in her arms. "Oh good you're awake." Sonic said as he entered the bedroom. "Sonic, where were you and is someone downstairs I thought I heard voices." Amy asked as she looked towards Sonic.

"Yea, and since you mention it, is it true that we invited Tails, Knuckles and Sticks for lunch today, cause I can't remember doing so." Sonic said and scratched his head. "Oh no I totally forgot about that, here take Dash I have to make something for lunch." Amy said as she stormed out of the bedroom and handed Dash to Sonic as she passed him.

"What, hey Amy slow down, you don't have to cook anything we took care of that already ... well more or less ... the gang is making pasta." Sonic said and Amy stopped. "They what, Sonic I swear if they destroy my kitchen or something you're gonna pay for it." Amy said already worried about her kitchen.

"Chill Amy, they have everything under control ... I hope ... and don't you want to put on normal clothes instead of your Pj's" Sonic said smirking at her. "Your right, okay first I put on normal clothes then I go downstairs and rescue my kitchen." Amy said as she ran past Sonic and slammed the door shut. 

The slam of the door caused Dash to wake up and he looked confused around. "Hey there little buddy, how're feeling?" Sonic asked and looked at his still ill looking child.

"Well I guess your not answering." Sonic said and put a hand on Dash's forehead. "I guess your fever is gone, that's good, now come on we are going downstairs and annoy uncle Knucks a bit." Sonic said snickering and walked downstairs with an half asleep Dash.

"Look who's awake ...  well sorta awake." Sonic said to his friends as he noticed that Dash was already falling back to sleep. "Why's that little guy so tired?" Knuckles asked. "He's ill, that's why he's so tired." Sonic answered.

"Poor Dash, but I guess you and Amy finally could sleep the whole night instead of waking up every three hours." Tails said and stopped stirring the tomato sauce. "Well sorta, we still woke up whenever he started whining or when he starts kicking." Sonic said not liking the kicking part.

"Wait, I thought he has his own room, how can he kick you?" Sticks asked and crossed her arms. "Well he didn't stop crying as he was all by himself in his room so we took him back in our bedroom." Sonic explained.

"Hey guys sorry that I'm that late, but I totally forgot about lunch." Amy said with a smile on her face. "Hey Amy, where were you?" Sticks asked happy to see her friend. "I fell asleep while watching after Dash." Amy explained and looked around checking if her kitchen is fine from any damage.

"Hey does someone else smell something burnt." Knuckles said all of a sudden. "Oh no the sauce ... Tails I thought you said you can do the sauce." Sticks yelled at Tails who stood beside her. "Oops ... Sonic distracted me." Tails said blaming Sonic for it.

"Hey I did nothing." Sonic complained. "Guys stopp it ... I rescued our sauce." Amy yelled after her friends started blaming each other. "YES! Amy you are the best ... can we eat now?" Knuckles asked. "Can you think about something else too?" Sticks asked annoyed but Knuckles ignored her. 

They then started eating their late lunch. "Sorry again that we forgot about lunch." Amy said as she and Sonic walked with their friends towards the door. "It's fine Amy and beside we had our lunch after all." Tails said not wanting her to fell bad. "It was three hours late but it was tasty." Knuckles said and Sticks rolled her eyes.

"Well bye guys." Sticks said and she, Knuckles and Tails went out of the house. "Bye." Sonic said and closed the door after they were outside. "I think you need a bath Dash, you're a little bit smelly." Amy said. "You heard that Dash ... it's bathing time." Sonic said smirking at Dash, who had a scared look on his face.

Alright that was my new chapter I hope you liked it and enjoyed reading. The next part will be uploaded soon ... I hope. Anyway thanks for reading.

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