Chapter 15: Where are they

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Sorry that I didn't update yesterday, but I somehow totally forgot that I had to go to the dog training. I work there also as an intern and yesterday was my last day there, it was great by the way, especially yesterday. Because we had a very naughty little hedgehog there. He was running on the training place while we were training and I put him out. A few minutes later he was inside again and I put him outside on a field. Then he somehow came in again and annoyed the dog of my boss then I took him and put him in the fenced puppy training place. But he also broke out of there, then we had enough of him and put him in a box, till we were done with training, but he was so cute. But as stupid as I am I didn't made some pictures. Anyway here's my new chapter.

A few days went by and Sonic and Amy got more and more tired everyday, because Dash started to cry in the middle of the night and he wasn't going back to sleep. So Amy and Sonic had to stay awake and they didn't got much sleep the past few days. Sonic and Amy were once again lying on the couch with Dash in between of them, because that's the only way he would go to sleep. 

It was shorty after midnight as Dash started crying again and Amy woke up. She looked to her right to see that Sonic was still fast asleep. "Sonic wake up." Amy said as she shook him to wake him up. But Sonic just turned on the other side. "How can he sleep, while the baby is crying?" Amy asked herself as she took Dash and then pushed Sonic off the couch. "Ow!" Sonic said as he met the floor. "Amy, why did you do that?" Sonic asked as he was now sitting on the floor and looking up at Amy. 

"I did this so you can help me with Dash." Amy said as she stood up and went towards the kitchen. "But Amy, I'm tired. Can't you do this yourself?" Sonic asked as he was about to go back on the couch. " Oh no, you help me as well. Don't think I do everything myself and you promised me to help me." Amy said as she took one of Sonics quills and dragged him with her. "Okay, okay I'm helping but let go of me, that hurts you know." Sonic said and Amy let go of him.


Tails was in his workshop, working on one of his inventions and Knuckles was with him. "Hey Tails, how about you invite something that can ..." Knuckles started but got interrupted by Tails. "For the last time Knuckles I don't need help with my inventions and I also don't need ideas about what I can invite. Beside all you said already exists." Tails said and glared at the red echidna. "Sorry, but Sonic isn't here so what else should I do? Where is he anyway?" Knuckles asked. 

"Now that you mentioned it, I haven't seen him for a few days now " Tails said as suddenly the door opened and Shadow and Silver came inside. "Hi guys. Sonic isn't in here, is he?" Silver asked. "No, why are you asking?" Tails asked. "He was supposed to ran a race with me today." Shadow said as he crossed his arms. "Well we haven't seen him for a few days now and I have no idea where he could be." Tails said as all off a sudden the girls came in. 

"Do we have a meeting here, what are you all doing here?" Sticks asked as she pushed her way towards Tails. "No, and you mean what are you doing here? This is my workshop." Tails said a bit annoyed that he couldn't continue on his invention with all his friend in his workshop. "We want to ask you if you saw Amy somewhere, we wanted to go shopping with her but she didn't pick up at any of our calls." Rouge said. "Wait, you're missing someone too?" Knuckles asked. 

"Nobody said something about missing. But what do you mean with 'too'?" Blaze asked. "We can't find Sonic and we haven't seen him for days now, normally he is annoying someone of us." Silver said. "Whatever, we are going to Amy's place now, you can come along. Who knows, maybe Sonic is there too." Sticks said. "I wouldn't be surprised if he is with her." Rouge said and snickered. "Can you stop with your girly things and start walking already?" Shadow said as they all started walking to Amy's house.


Sonic and Amy fell asleep just two hours ago, after Dash finely decided to go back to sleep. They were so deep in sleep that they didn't notice that somebody was knocking on the door. Outside of Amy's house Cream was knocking on the door and the rest of her friends were behind her. "Hm, that's weird. She's normally up at this time." Cream said after they waited two minutes. "Did you try if the door is open?" Rouge asked. "No, not yet." Cream answered. "Then do it." Shadow said. Cream tried to open the door and the door opened. 

"It's open." Sticks said. "Than what are we waiting for let's go inside." Silver said and they all went inside. "What on earth is all this stuff?" Rouge asked as she saw toys everywhere on the ground and a lot of packs with new diapers. "Since when does Amy has diapers? I never saw them in here before."  Cream asked. "I don't know, come on lets see if she is in the kitchen." Blaze said as they all went into the kitchen. Only to find a mess in there and a lot of empty glasses of baby food.

"What is she doing with baby food?" Tails asked as he looked to his other friends. "Maybe she eats it. I ate some once and it was really delicious." Silver said only to get a lot of weird looks from his friends. "Really Silver? You ate baby food?" Blaze asked. "Guys can we continue searching?" Sticks asked and they continued their search in the living room. And they were all shocked at what they saw on the couch.

On the couch Amy was lying on top of Sonic with half of her body over Sonics and her head was resting on Sonics chest. While Dash was lying on his belly on Sonics upper body. Sonic was lying on his back and had one arm wrapped around Amy and his other hand was resting on Dashs back. "Omg, this is so cute. Has someone a camera or something like that? I need a photo of this!" Blaze said. 

"I never new that Sonic was into cuddling." Sticks said. "Wait a second is that a baby under Sonics hand?" Cream asked as they all looked closer at Sonic's hand to see a small hedgehog under his hand. "I knew it! she was pregnant." Rouge said. "This isn't possible. She would have had a big belly if she was pregnant" Tails said. "And where did they get that one?" Silver asked. "Let's ask them." Knuckles said. "I thought that I would never say that, but ... I agree with you, let's wake them." Shadow said as he made a few steps forward and then yelled "FAKER WAKE UP!".

I hope you liked it, I'll try to update tomorrow and I'm really sorry if I made mistakes, again.

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