Chapter 16: Answers

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Sorry that I didn't update yesterday, but I wasn't in writing mood and I were watching Sonic underground with my twin so I was a little bit busy. Thanks for the reads and votes and here is my new chapter.

"FAKER WAKE UP!" Shadow yelled above Sonics head and Sonic and Amy were wide awake and Dash started crying cause he got scared of the sudden noise. "NO!" Sonic and Amy said in union as they looked at the crying baby hedgehog. "Shadow you idiot, why did you do that?" Sonic said as Amy took Dash in her arms. But Dash doesn't stop crying and the two older hedgehogs looked angry at their friends. "Do you have any ideas how long it takes to get him to sleep?" Amy said angrily and Sonic sat beside her on the couch with his arms crossed. 

"Sorry we didn't mean to wake you." Silver said, who stood now next to Shadow. As Sonic wanted to say something he was suddenly pushed off the couch by the girls who were now sitting on the couch with Amy. "Okay Amy. How long did you and Sonic think you could hid this baby?" Sticks asked. "I knew you were pregnant. Why didn't you tell us?" Rouge said, again starting with her pregnancy theories. "And why didn't you say that you and Sonic are dating?" Blaze asked exited. "Amy the baby of you and Sonic is so cute." Cream said as Cheese agreed with her. 

"Hold on a sec. Who said that we are dating and that we have a child with each other?" Sonic said as he stood up from the floor. "Oh come on Sonic, this is so obvious." Silver said smirking. "Yea, you are at Amy's house for who knows how long. You were sleeping both on the couch under the same blanket and their is this baby hedgehog." Tails said. "But this isn't the baby of me and Amy, we ..." Sonic started to explain but got interrupted by Knuckles. "Sure, he isn't your child." Knuckles said. 

"But he really isn't, Amy and I ..." Sonic started once again but got again interrupted. "Oh come on Sonic don't deny it." Shadow said. Sonic was now getting angry, first because he hasn't enough sleep and second because his friends were driving him crazy. Amy also got angrier as the girls asked her so much questions that she hasn't the time to answer any of them.

Then Amy couldn't take it anymore and started yelling "SHUT UP!". Then everyone was quiet, even Dash who looked a bit scared at Amy. "For the last time, this isn't the baby from me and Sonic and we're also not dating." Amy said angrily. "Then from whom is this baby?" Tails asked. 

"I was trying to explain it to you, but you didn't let me talk. Amy and I found this baby in the forestm Amy took him with her and I helped her on that day, but as I wanted to go home he started crying and didn't stop. So I was forced to stay with her so that he stops crying." Sonic said as he pointed towards Dash. 

"Okay, but why were you both lying on the couch under the same blanket?" Blaze asked. "That's the only way we could make Dash fall asleep. He always starts crying if one of us is not sleeping next to him." Amy explained as she sat Dash on her lap. "Wait a second .... Dash?" Knuckles asked. "That's the name of the baby you idiot." Shadow said as he punched Knuckles on the head. 

"Okay this answers almost all of our questions, but if you found him in the forest why does he look like a mini version of Sonic with three bangs on his forehead like Amy." Silver asked. "That's interesting, are you both sure that this child isn't from you two?" Knuckles asked and this time Sonic and Amy punched him, causing Dash to giggle.

"Looks like he likes to see Knucklehead in pain." Shadow said amused about this. "Oh shut up you ultimate idiot." Knuckles said and Shadow started glaring at him. "Amy can I hold him for a moment?" Cream asked and looked at Amy. "Um okay, but if he starts crying you have to give him to Sonic." Amy said as she put Dash into Creams arms. 

"What! Why to me?" Sonic asked confused, not wanting to look like a babysitter in front of his friends. "Because I'm going to prepare breakfast for us and Dash, except you want to make breakfast." Amy said as she walked towards the kitchen, already knowing Sonics answer.  "No, I'll stay here." Sonic said as he sat down on the floor. 

Dash was still in Creams arms with the other girls around her. But Dash got very uncomfortable with all the new people around him, and he started crying. "NO." Sonic said as he covered his ears. "What's the matter Sonic, don't want to play daddy anymore?" Rouge teased Sonic as Cream gave Dash to Sonic. "Hey! I'm not playing daddy." Sonic said as he now had Dash in his arms. 

"Sonic are you sure that this baby isn't from you because he looks like you, except the three bangs on the forehead." Tails said. "I'm 100 percent sure." Sonic said. "I think you should had named him Sonic Jr. because he really looks like you." Silver said. "Can you stop with that. How can I prove that this isn't my baby?" Sonic asked. "Tails could test your DNA with his and Amy's." Rouge said. 

"Wait, why Amy?" Sonic asked. "So that we know if Rouge was right and she was pregnant. What ever that meams." Sticks said. "Your kidding right? I told you we found him in the forest. Why don't you believe us?" Sonic asked. "Because this baby looks like an mix of you two." Shadow said as Amy came inside with something to eat for Sonic and herself and Dash.

"Finally I'm starving." Sonic said as he ate his food really fast. "Since you are already finished, you can feed Dash." Amy said as she started to eat her breakfast as well. "NO!" Sonic yelled causing him to get confused looks from his friends. 

Okay I'll end the chapter here, I hope you liked it and I'm sorry if I made some grammar mistakes. I'll try to update tomorrow but I can't promise to.

Sonamy Boom: Baby (On Hold)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum