Chapter 24 - Game Part 1

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MAYOR TIMESKIP TO THE dodgeball GAME! To catch you up Gon, Killua, Hisoka, (y/n) and their new allies team up Tsezguerra's team. This team is enough members to play the games and win against Razors Team. 

(y/n) POV

Quickly giving Hisoka a passionate kiss I blush, "Do your best Love~" 

Walking to the side I watch as Razor explains the rules to the team. I wanted to join in but Gon and Killua insisted that I don't. 

They kept saying it was too dangerous before I could give them an ear full Hisoka saves the two by calming me down with a warm hug before the match started.

When the first throw is made by Gon's team, one of the clones on Razer's team is already out, then again the second time. 

Razer smiles, "Now I know how to beat you." 

Gon's team grows weary, but their confidence stands strong. 

One of our allies throws the ball using arua, but Razer catches it with ease. Everyone is shocked but I can't help but be impressed and very interested. 

Throwing the ball back, Goreinu uses his powers, replacing him with a nen beast. 

The now headless nen beast disappears due to damage, standing quickly, excitement fills me. 

Razer's team's formation is perfect as they pass the ball around at full speed, so fast that most of the players on Gon's team can't keep up. 

The ball hits Tsezguerra's side, making him limp his way to the wall to sit out. 

Hisoka starts to use his bungee gum, giving Gon's team a huge advantage. 

But his power doesn't last long, as the new goal is to retrieve the ball from Razor's team. Both Gon and Killiua power up their nen. 

Gon aims once the ball touches his hand, it gets shot through making Gons fly back.

I ran to Gon, "I'm ok guys really." 

Once I see the blood running down his face, my bloodlust spills. 

"(y/n)! It's ok! We got this!" 

Like a light switch my anger stops, giving me a determined smile, Gon gets patched up sitting my side as the game continues. 

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