Chapter 4 - Hunter's Exam 3 - Allies

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(y/n) POV

I turned around to see...HISOKA. He smiles at me, not in a creepy way but in a nice way, I think. He holds out his hand, "May I escort you?" 

I looked at him in confusion, "Why the hell would he ask that?"

I agree nonetheless, he takes my hand leading me to the front door. "Would you like to get something to eat?"

I nod, wondering why he's being so....nice. Looking at the menu, I already know exactly what I want. Letting Hisoka go first, I placed my order afterward, "Can I have 3 chocolate chip cookies and a cup of hot chocolate please." 

Once we got our food we started to eat in silence until he breaks it, "So (y/n), tell me a bit about yourself?" 

I looked at him with a bored expression, so that's what he know about my abilities. I am the only one who knows about my true power, not even Mom and Dad know...and they adopted me!

*Pause 4th wall break, (y/n)*

Just so you guys know I was adopted. No one ever told me, but there is no way I can have these powers and have the blood of the Zoldyck running through my veins. Yes, I have white hair but it's black on the tips. Plus the Zoldyck family has all sons (that's what mom says) except me. I'm not an idiot. Back to the story!


Hisoka POV

I want (y/n) and for the first time not just for her strong powers I sense but something else. The words are on the tip of my tongue. I was about to say something else until the rude speaker announces that we made it to the next phase and we are about to land.

Once we get on the tower, we're told to get down in a certain amount of time. Walking around I end up falling down a trapped door. Looking around, I find a speaker on the wall. 

"You are going to go through many trials to exit this tower. Depending on the path you choose you will be faced with the decision of needing a partner. You can accept, and either kill your partner or work together! Note if you kill your partner it will take longer to get to the bottom."

I smile as 2 doors open, this is going to be fun.

(y/n) POV

I went down a trap door to see 5 watches and a speaker. 

"Hello, you are the first person who made it to the game Majority Rules. I will explain the rules when everyone els-" 

He didn't even get to finish because Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Oreo came just in time. They were all in their own little world, they didn't even notice me. The speaker then announces the rules, Killua and Gon take notice of my presence, giving me a big hug.  I'm pleased with their joy, but we're already on our way. 


I currently just finished my battle with one of the prisoners, he was so weak! I didn't even get to use my powers!? I just punched him a couple of times and then his heart stopped beating, UGH! Now we have to wait a million years to keep going because Oreo's dumb ass was a pervert. I was about to cross the bridge to my group when a tape door opens under my feet.  

Hisoka POV

I clicked the button so that I can get a partner, if I don't like them I'm going to kill them. Then a door opens and (y/n) pops out...


I hold out my hand, (y/n) gladly takes it, looking at me confused about her current situation. I smile at her and she blushed, " I needed a partner for the rest of my trial so I clicked the button." 

She smiles back at me, then a door opens. We walk through it, to see a bunch of people (probably prisoners) ready to fight. There were about 75 of them, I looked at (y/n) to find a thirsty smile edged on her face. 

"I guess you were itching for a fight too, you take the left and I take the right." 

Then we split up.

(y/n) POV

I punch and kick every guy that came my way. I had a couple left, but when I punch them it had no effect on them. 

I whispered to myself, "Lightning kick." 

Kicking them II aim for the back of their head, leaving them bloody and headless. 

I whisper once again, "Fire punch". 

Punching the rest of them in different places all over their bodies, leaving them dead and with holes going straight through them.

I looked over at Hisoka, he is shocked, to say the least, mouth open and everything. Then a door opens, I walked over to him with a smirk on my face, closing his mouth gently. "You should keep your mouth closed, bugs could get in."

Walking out the door, Hisoka follows behind me. From the looks of it, we were the first ones here. Tapping my shoulder I look over at him, "Wanna play a card game with me?" I smile and nodded. 

Maybe Hisoka's not that bad.


There were a couple of seconds left, Gon's group came just in time. Then the doors opened, signaling its time for the next phase. 

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