Chapter 1 - Do I have to!?

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(y/n) POV

It was about 11 in the morning and I was in the middle of reading a fanfic not wanting to get up on my day off. I just came back from a job and it was so BORING! 

I hear a knock on my door, "Mistress, you are needed in your father's office." 

I groaned, "Ok, you may leave." Once I don't feel his presence I get up and start to get dressed. I put on my tank top and some sweatpants, then head out.

Walking through the dark hallway, I truly realize that I don't do much besides kill, read, eat cookies, and sleep. But to be completely honest I don't mind this lifestyle, I don't trust anyone besides Killua, Ilumi, Granpa, Mom, and Dad. 

But it's not like I talk to anyone else besides them, I kinda talk to the butlers from time to time but they're so formal that it gets annoying. Though when they do let loose, I can have a fantastic conversation with any of them. 

I finally make it to Dad's office, knocking on the door I wait patiently.

"Come in." 

When I walked in I see Mom and Dad with serious expressions on their faces. 

"(y/n) I want you to leave and make some friends!", they say with a serious tone. 

I give them a black expression then it all sank in, "WHAT?! I don't need friends all I need is myself." 

They both sigh, then Mom continues, "Yes, but you need to get out more and with this new mission you can do so. Who knows maybe you can find a husband!" 

I sigh, "What's the mission?" 

Dad smiles, "Killua ran away and Illumi is currently after him, you are going to make sure Killua stays alive and gets a Hunter's License. While you're out make some friends, your train leaves tonight." 

I groan, "Do I have to!?" 

They give me a devilish smile, "Yes, now get ready!" 

I give them a soft smile, I leave knowing they care about me. I don't want to make any friends,  I'm going to get my Hunter's License and hopefully not talk to anyone. 

I head back to my room and finish packing. I put on a crop top, black leggings, a mask, and my black hooded cape so no one knew who I am. I open all 7 doors (which is 256 tons), and only Dad and I can open all of them. Once I make it on the train, I think about what my future holds.

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