Chapter 19 - Mike

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Hisoka POV

Waking up to feel someone on my chest, I look down to see (y/n) sleeping peacefully. Stroking her hair I admire her beauty, causing her to open her eyes. "Good Morning Love~" 

She blushes, "Good morning." 

I'm about to sit up but she gets off the bed walking towards the bathroom. On her way there she starts to take off her bra and revealing underwear. Opening the door, she looks back at me and smiles, "Are you coming? Let's take a shower together." 

It took me a minute to process what she said, but once I do I jumped out of the bed leaving my underwear with it.


You know, when someone asks you to take a shower with them the first thing you think of is sex. But with (y/n), all she does is teases me! Head to a local cafe for brunch, (y/n) get's a call.

(y/n) POV

I love teasing Hisoka, but I should probably stop...Grandpa did warn me that pulling on his chain too much might make him pounce. 

*Buzz Buzz* 

I took out my phone to see its a call from mom.

"(Y/N)! How have you been!"

"I've been doing good, just going to a cafe with Hisoka." 

"Great! I need you two to come home right now!"

"Is something wrong?"

"No~ Love Ya! Bye~~~"

She hangs up on me, "Hisoka after brunch we need to head to my place. Don't ask me why because I don't know." 

Hisoka laughs and nods, once we get to the cafe he buys me a medium hot chocolate and a bag of mini cookies. 

Buying himself a small coffee and a croissant we sit down. Peace didn't last long as a girl comes up to Hisoka, gave him her phone number I glare at the bitch. 

Before I could let my rage consume me, he rips the paper into little pieces, throw them at her face. "I don't like thots. And as you can see I already have someone." 

She glares at us, stormed out I snapped my fingers creating a crack on the sidewalk, tripping I sip my hot drink victoriously. 

Not even 10 mins later a guy with a sweatshirt that says, 'I get what I want' comes up to me trying to get my attention. Hisoka is about to pull out his cards but he's too late, punchinghim in the balls he screams like a little bitch. 

Running out of the cafe, he tripped over the slut that remains not he floor with scabs and tears running down her face. 

We laugh our asses off, finishing our food quickly before heading back out. 


We finally make it to the Zoldyck Estate. "(y/n) is that you?" I look over to see Zebro, walking over to him I hug him. 

"It's been too long (y/n), how have you been?" 

I gave him a warm smile, "I've been good, I see you're going well." 

He smiles, before moving his attention behind me, "Isn't that Illumi's partner?" 

I nod, "Yes, he's my boyfriend as well~" 

Zerbro nods, "Do you want to go through the front door or the side door?" 

I think for a moment, "Side door please!" 

Grabbing Hisoka's hand and we walk through the side door. "MIKE!" 


The silence is soon filled with loud footsteps, looking at Hisoka I smile. A giant white wolf comes out of the shadows, letting go of Hisoka I stand tall. 

"Mike sit." 

The white wold shakes his tail and sits down, "Good boy~ Will you take Hisoka and I to the house?" 

Mike get's down, Hisoka got on first helping me up. On the way there I wave at the butlers, having a warm feeling being back home.

Once we there, I jump down, hold out my hand and Mike gives it a small lick, he then looks at Hisoka. Pulling Hisoka's hand up for Mike to sniff, I stare at the curious mutt.

Either 2 things will happen, Mike will either eat Hisoka or he'll lick him. 

Sniffing his hand, he gives Hisoka's hand a small lick. 

Mike then rans away, allowing Hisoka to give me a confused look. 

I share a warm smile, "Mike had the choice to eat you or lick you, but he seems to really like you, I'm pretty surprised that he let you on his back." 

Hisoka starts to sweat a bit, "Well glad I'm not dead."

Once we walked through the door, we're greeted by Illumi, Grandpa, Mom and Dad. 

This is going to be interesting...

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