Chapter 6 - Hunters Exam 5 - Like

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(y/n) POV

I'm currently in the library on the blimp talking with Hisoka. He tells me of how he works with my brother sometimes on missions and that he loves a good fight. I smiled at him, "Could you get me something sweet from the cafeteria?" He nods, once the library door closed Gittarackur/Illumi came up to me with a cold smirk. 

"You like him don't you?" I smiled at him and nodded. 

He gives me another wide smirk, "Not that like, I mean LIKE LIKE him." 

I feel my face heat up a bit, "I just met him, and even if I did LIKE LIKE him it wouldn't work. You know Mom and Dad have to approve before anything goes forward, you remember the Chrollo mess! He had this major crush on me but only Mom approved, Dad wanted to kill him! I'm not dealing with that again." 

Illumi laughs a bit, "I want you to be careful, and if he hurts you call me. I'll always have your back." I smile at him then he disappears. I wonder what's taking Hisoka so long, I'll take a cat nap while I wait.

Illumi POV

I see Hisoka in the line collecting Hot Chocolate and a small paper bag. I tap him on the shoulder pointing to a more private location. He sighs and follows me. Sitting down I keep my sight ahead, "How do you feel about her, cause if you're using her then I'll end it right here right now." 

He chuckles a bit, "I'm not using her, she's a special toy." My anger grows, "Stop playing games, no one here so tell me how you FEEL about her!" Hisoka's creepy face falls.

He looks around then he stares out the window. "She's different, I always approach people because of their powers or strength. But for the first time in a long time, I could feel something a bit different in me when I see her. I felt like even after I saw her fight, it was just a bonus to her in general. I just...I her." 

I looked at him a bit surprised at what he's saying, "Do you just like her, or LIKE LIKE her." He formed a warm smile, "I like like her, definitely" He gets up, walking off, giving me his signature creepy face. How can (y/n) like that!?

Hisoka's POV 

I walk back to the library to see (y/n) fast asleep. Sitting next to her I open the bag of cookies. She starts to wake up from the smell, handing her a cookie. She looks at me with heavy eyes, only to surprise me with a warm hug. "You're the best, thank you for getting my cookies and being my friend." I hug her back and we continued to talk. 

Then my number gets called on the speaker. I leave(y/n) making my way to the chairman. Sitting down in front of him, he speaks up.

"Who interests you the most?"

"99 Killua, 405 Gon, and 55 (y/n)"

"Who would you avoid fighting"

"55 and 405"

He smiles at me, telling me to leave. Right before I opened the door I hear him say, "Good luck, Hisoka! I think she really likes you!" 

I look back at him only to see him reading through some papers on his desk. I must be hearing things.

(y/n) POV

Once Hisoka returned I was called next, sitting in front of the chairman he smiles at me. 

"Who interests you the most?"

"99, 405, 404 and 44"

"Who would you avoid fighting?"

"44 and 405"

He nods giving me the ok, to leave, right before I could open the door I hear him say, "Good luck with Hisoka, you guys look cute together." I looked at him to see him looking through some papers, "What did you just say?"

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