Chapter 22 - Him

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(y/n) POV

Going into town with my favorite lover, I lead the way to my favorite bookstore. 

Even though we have towers and towers of books at home, there isn't enough new manga to keep me satisfied. 

Arriving I was greeted by my friends Armin, Erwin, and Aqua.  

"(Y/N)!" Giving them a big hug, I smile brightly, "It's been too long~ How have you guys been?" 

Armin replies, "We've been good! How did the hunter exam go?" 

"I passed with flying colors." 

Erwin walks over with Aqua holding a white box in hand. 

Aqua glares at Hisoka, "And who's this?" 

I smile at Hisoka holding his hand, "This is my lover Hisoka! We met at the exams~" 

Armin and Erwin introduced themselves while Aqua remains quiet. 

"Erwin, what's in the box?" 

He smiles before placing it in my hands, "The store is closing down and we want to give a gift to our favorite customer." 

I gasp, "What?! But your grandpa started this place up!" 

Armin gives me a sad smile, "Yes, but we can no longer afford to keep the shop." 

Opening it I see a beautiful galaxy kimono, Aqua speaks up, "Why don't you put it on?" 

I nod making my way to the bathroom, in the back

Hisoka POV

The two blonds continue putting books away while I stare at him. "So you're her lover. She must have made a mistake, she would never fall for a clown!" 

I smirk, "As if she would ever fall for her best friend Aqua~" 

He growls"I've known her longer than you! We have history and all you have is your fucking makeup! I bet she wouldn't even remember that you exist if she was with me for one day~" 

I chuckle, leaning in close, "After her screaming my name last night, she won't forget~ I can guarantee that~"

Aqua's about to punch me, so I pull out a card. "How do I look?"

Looking at (y/n), she glows, she looks like a goddess. Putting my card away she walks up to me giving me a quick kiss. 

Pulling her close I speak confidently, "You look like a goddess."

(y/n) POV

I blushed, "T-thank You~" 

Walking over to Armin and Erwin I speak softly, "I would like to be a co-owner of this shop. If you accept I can fund this place and spread the word about it. That way you can get more customers. All I ask is that you stay~ This place was the light of my childhood, I want to keep it open." 

Armin starts to cry making Erwin comfort him. 

They look at each other and smile, "We accept! We'll send you the papers in the mail at a later date." 

I give the couple a big hug before walking over to the counter to take out my checkbook. 

"Here's a check for 500,000. This should be enough to get some more books and to pay the place off for the next month or 2." 

They take it, before giving me another hug, "Thank you so much!" 

"It's no issue at all." 

Feeling my phone buzz, I look at the time. "I would love to stay but Hisoka and I have somewhere to be~ I'll try to visit more often ok?" 

I smiled at them, giving Aqua one last hug, "Take care of yourself~" 

Giving me a sad smile he nods, slipping my hand in Hisoka's we're on our way.

On our way to the amusement park, Hisoka's phone rang. 

A few minutes later, he hangs up, "The Phantom Troupe wants our help getting an exorcist for Chrollo. You in?"

"Of course! This is my chance to help Machi!" 

Nodding, we turn around, going towards the coordinates. 

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