Chapter 16 - Fortune

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(y/n) POV *Note Gon and Killua Escaped*

Everyone is in their positions, looking at Hisoka, he smirks at me. I blush as the 1st explosion goes off Hisoka and I start our fun little night. He uses his cards, and I use the elements to kill all that stand our my way. 

I haven't had this much fun since I was little. 

The fresh smell of death sweep the air, I look over to see a man in a hood holding a blood red scythe. It may have been the smell of death in the air, but I feel like I would have be close friends with the reaper. 

Feeling my phone vibrate, I pick up the phone to hear my dad.

"Hey sweetheart, your grandfather and I are on our mission. Have you heard from Illumi, were inspected a call from him."

"Nope, tell grandpa I said hi."

Then a man on fire starts to scream causing me to throw a sharp piece of ice at his neck so he can shut the fuck up.

Father whines, "Aww, I see you're having fun! Don't forget to kill quickly and wear protection."

I laughed a bit, hearing Grandpa not far, "Have fun with your friends, show the world how great you can end lives!"

I smiled, "Ok, bye you guys. Talk to you later!"

I hung up shooting a text to Illumi.

"Hurry dad just called me."

Meeting up with the rest of the group, I get a text from Dad, "The job is finished, I FUCKING HATE CHROLLO! IF I EVER HEAR THAT YOU LIKE HIM, ILL KILL HIM."

"Don't worry, I'll be stopping by soon at the house."

"Ok, see you soon."

Some of the members went over to start the next phase, while Hisoka, I and a few others went to start the auction. Kortpi came just in time, starting the cloning process on the auction items. 

~Mini Timeskip~

Sitting on Hisoka's lap, he calls Kurapika, I nuzzle into his warmth.

"What a shame. And here I was trying to lift his spirits up a bit." 

Hisoka looks down at me, shaking his head, "He's such a fool. Thinking revenge will fill the hole in his heart. If I didn't have you at the time, I would have been just like him." 

Hisoka kisses me, wrapping his strong arms around my waist. Phinks passes me a wine bottle and a glass, pouring it full, I hand it to Hisoka, while I take slow sips from the bottle. 

~Next Morning~

Sitting next to Hisoka, I listen to the current conversations floating in the air.

Nobu speaks up, "We need to kill the chain user, and avenge Uvo. And you want us to pack and leave? He's going to be born in the next world, and we need to send the chain user to him."

Franklin frowns, "Why don't you cut it out, the boss gave an order."

Nobu nods, "Right, and the bosses order is absolute. I've got to wonder, are you really speaking as our leader? Chrollo."

Franklin shouts, "Nobunaga! Knock it off!"

Nabu grunts, "Shut up, I'm trying to talk to Chrolo here."

Chrollo stands walking towards Nabu.

"Before I could answer, Nobunaga I need you to answer my questions."

Chrollo starts to write his fortunes, Nobu reads his, I leaned in closer to hear better. Hisoka makes a suggestion of doing everyone's fortune to see if it wise to go after the chain user. 

I read over my fortune, 

You grieve over a fallen brother and let sadness 

shine with moon.

You seek comfort form a lover who you soon will

share each other's vows.

He leads you to a path

Of happiness and life

And breed to twins with a witty insight.

A dear friend finds the love that she seeks

and you create a friend that you will soon defeat.

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Protect while your love holds you by a warm fire. 

You lose friends and cry for each other 

But move on.

Death will not come near, as long as you seek 

the light of 2 younger deers.

Once I was done reading my face is beat red, Hisoka looks at me confused, "What's wrong? What did your fortune say?" 

I shake my head trying to rush out the door. 

Hisoka grabs my arm pulling me close, snatching the paper out of my hand, "Hisoka wait, I need some time to read over it again!?" 

My red-faced grabs everyone's attention as they walked over to read it. 

Machi tilts her head, "Are you going to die?" 

I nod, "I'm going to die from overheating!" 

Hisoka's POV

I was reading over my fortune until a couple of lines peeked my interest~ 

You comfort your lover who you soon will

share each other's vows.

She leads you to a path

Of happiness and life

And breed to twins with a witty insight.

Death will not come near, as long as you help her seek

the light of 2 younger deers.

A fool will turn down the answer

That he seeks to say on the line that will turn bleek

Looking over to (y/n)'s red face I question her, "What's wrong! What did your fortune say?" 

She tries to run, but I pull her close and snatching the paper out of her hand. After reading her's with everyone else reading it behind me. They look shocked, but I just smirked. 

Walking over to my flushed girl I whisper, "I'm not gentle in bed~"

All her embarrassment leaves her body, "Good~ I love it rough, so don't hold back~" 

Looking into her eyes, we start to laugh. Picking her up I sit her on my lap listening to the rest of the fortunes. 

I already told her how I only joined to fight Chrollo, and how I'm in contact with Kurpika. 

Chrollo speaks to (y/n), "You are not to get involved in Uvo's revenge." 

She sighs causing me to laugh, looks like they'll never get any information out of her.

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