Chapter 18 - Say Hi for Me

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(y/n) POV

Hisoka and I leave the phantom troupe before we head out to a canyon, that's where Chrollo and Kurpika should be.  

On the way there, Machi calls me, informing me that Pakunoda might to die. I tell Hisoka to go ahead while I talk with Machi, I couldn't tell her the Hisoka was trying to kill Chrollo.

I think she should figure it out on her own, so I tell her 1 thing, "I'll make sure he won't die." 

Then I hand up catching up with Hisoka. Once get there Hisoka is shirtless with a disappointed expression on his face, slowly walking to the blimp he waits for me to get on. Walking to Chrollo with a disappointed expression I cross my arms, "Chrollo, I can't stand you sometimes. I tried to talk to you several times about the chain user. This could have all been avoided, but you were so busy acting like a fool that you couldn't even see that Uvo could have been avenged and someone that is actually in love you care about your well being."

He looks at me with wide eyes, "Who is it (y/n)?" I walk up to him and smack him in the face, "Figure it out yourself, fucking bitch." (A/N - *Drop the mic)

Entering the blimp I see the disappointment coming off of Hisoka and confusion from Pakunoda. Walking over to her I gave her a hug, she was a bit taken back but then it hits her. "You knew all along didn't you?" 

I give her a sad look, "Yes, I had enough information to prevent this." 

She laughs a bit, "Chrollo is stubborn at the worst times." 

I giggled, "Yeah he is." 

Sitting next to her I stroke her hair. 

She relaxes, "I'm going to die soon, so I'm going to tell them everything." 

I frown a bit, "When you pass, tell Uvo that I said hi ok." 

She nods, slowly drifting off to sleep.


Once we dropped off Pakunoda, Hisoka picks me up bridal style taking me to a nearby hotel. Laying me down he takes off my clothes, only leaving me in my revealing underwear. 

Taking off his pants, he climbs on top of me and kissing me gently. Moving his knee between my legs I moan. Once my mouth is open, he slides his tough inside and explored the corners of my mouth. 

Once our lips part he gives me a warm smile, laying down next to me. He pulls me close to his chest, tucking us both in. 

"Goodnight love~"

"Goodnight Hisoka."

"I love you"

Nuzzling into his chest and I smile, "I love you too"

A/N Sorry it's short! I've been busy this week. BBBUUT, there may be a lemon in the next couple of chapters. SOOO, BE READY!

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