"You're basically kicking me out like an awkward one night stand" He pouts and I can't take his cuteness any longer

"First of all" I say holding back the urge to kiss his entire face "I wouldn't know how to do that because you were my only one night stand, so I'm not that experienced. And second, I'm not kicking you out. I'm sure the boys are having a Pizza, Fifa and Weed Sunday today and you're more than welcome to stay"

"Pizza, Fifa and Weed" Calum repeats my words letting it sink in "I'm more up for a Netflix, Late breakfast and Sex day"

Of course there would be sex involved. We hear the doorbell ringing and I remember that I should be getting ready.

"Well, I don't know about Jason but I'm sure Drew is up for it" I joke making him laugh

I quickly put on some makeup while Calum joins the others in the living room and I can hear the boys greeting my brother. I throw my charger in my purse and put my shoes on. For the record, I'll be wearing Vans for the whole week because my feet are destroyed from walking in ridiculously high heels last night. When I enter the living room, I'm surprised with the scene in front of me. Jules is sitting on Ashton's lap letting us know that what happened last night wasn't some drunk mistake and surprisingly Jason is not bothered at all. Joey and Drew are sharing a joint on the balcony and Calum is interacting with my brother. He and Jason are telling Aaron about the dinner and I'm smiling like an idiot.

"Hi fams" I greet my brother with a kiss on the cheek

"Yo man, you know who was at the party yesterday?" Jason tells him "Stephen Curry"

"No way" Aaron is impressed "The guy is a legend"

Aaron and I share the same love for basketball. We grew up going to NBA games with our dad.

"I know" I agree with him "Thank you. No one understood why I was freaking out"

"Did you talk to him?" My brother asks and I blush


"She couldn't speak" Calum takes on "She freaked out"

It's true. After my hideous encounter with Ayesha Curry, Calum took me to Stephen's table so we could properly introduce ourselves and talk to them. But basically, Calum had to do all the talk while I just stood beside him mentally passing out.

"That's why I don't let her go near celebrities" Jason clarifies

"Clearly, you haven't been doing a very good job" Julie mocks him obviously referring to Ashton and Calum and I freeze

I don't want Aaron to know about Calum and the band yet. He won't understand because he still sees me as his little sister that must be protected at all costs.

"Should we go?" I ask my brother and he nods

"Bye guys, bye Jules. Nice meeting you two" Aaron waves to everyone and heads to the door

"Good luck with all the testosterone in here" I kiss Jules on the cheek "Bye Ash"

I walk over to Calum very aware of my brother's eyes on us.

"Have fun" I tell him "Jason always aims left, in case you choose Fifa and Weed"

He must be very uncomfortable with Aaron's presence because Calum barely looks at me.

"Noted. Nice family lunch" He says

I wave to the rest of the guys and follow my brother down the stairs towards his car. I make myself comfortable in the passenger seat and ask about Tara since she usually always tags along. I have a great relationship with my brother where I feel like I can tell him anything but Aaron is very similar to Jason, which means he almost doesn't open up about his life. 

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