"Mom,keep the mobile here"Showing the study table to her I said.

My mom said okay and went out of our room switching off the lights.


Next day,

I sat in front of mirror and started applying my light make up leisurely since I woke up early.There is no hurry to go to college.Today,I wore lemon yellow crop top along with black palazzo.

"Krithika!when you will wake up and when you will get...."My sister shouts faded as she entered the room and saw me preparing for the college.

I turned adjusting my earrings to see shock plastered on Rithu's face.

"Good morning sis."I greeted with a cheerful voice."What happened?Is there anything on my face?"I asked as she didn't changed her expression.

Coming out of shock,she replied with a question,"Krithi,I should ask you that.What happened to you?You had changed from the last few days"She said.

'Change'.Okay,I will agree with her,since I am very excited to go to college these days.Why because the hell is turned into heaven.

"The breakfast is ready"My mom shouted from outside.Without replying Rithu,I went out of our room and rithu followed me as if she didn't concern about my answer.

On dining table,two plates are arranged with sandwiches.We both sat and took our own sandwiches and took a bite.It tasted different.I think this is first time my mom prepared this.

"What is this mom?Did you added anything new?"I asked.

"Its mushroom sandwich.I saw it on you tube few days before.Is it good?"My mom asked packing lunch box.

"Yeah.It is different.I liked it."I said.

"Yes mom.."Rithu moaned as she chewed her food."Its really yummy..."

I sighed as I heard that word.A interesting start of the day.'Sarcasm noted.'


As we entered the college,my eyes automatically started searching for him.He didn't appear anywhere but, in the parking lot,I saw his  bike.Very punctual!

Rithu left waving me a bye and as I turned around to go to class,the shining black car came into the place.

Everyone got down the car except Deepu,as he went to park the vehicle and smiled at me cheerfully.Smiling,I greeted a good morning and meanwhile Deepak came and we entered college building.

I observed Anu looking very gorgeous today in her light green high necked frock which ended at her knees."Whats special Anu?Looking different?"I asked.

"Am I looking bad?"She made a miserable face."I know that Krithi,but these guys forced me to wear this dress.I don't even like it.I don't know why I bought this stupid dress and...."

"Anu wait a minute."I cut off her words."You look so cute.Thats what I meant.Chill cutie girl"I said with a wink at end.She smiled a little after listening me.

"Not only today,she always looks cute and beautiful."Akhil spoke but didn't earned any glares or threats from his girl.May be she is blushing,I didn't get a chance to see her face as she walked faster.

Soon we entered the class room,and the classes get started as usually.After three lazy hours,I got freedom,I am referring to lunch break.My stomach is torturing me for food from the last half an hour.

Loving him is my mistake(#wattys 2019)Where stories live. Discover now