Chapter 49

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I heard someone talking,which isn't clear.But I can say Rithu is near me.I tried to listen and also open my eyes,but I couldn't.Besides my head is throbbing,which didn't let me come back to complete senses.

Suddenly,the silence filled the space and someone caught my hand.It is Yash,I can sense his touch.He traced his thumb along my knuckles.

"Wake up Krithi..I am sorry.I shouldn't have talk to you last night.I am the reason for this situation.I am so sorry.."

I wanted to take it out of his grip.But I just couldn't.I felt paralysed and I am feeling weak,I went back to sleep,not thinking about anything.

I don't know what is the time when I opened my eyes.I looked at window,but I saw only the curtains,not letting me to see outside.I moved my hand and then I saw Yash beside the bed,his face lying on bed.He woke up by the movement of my hand.

"Krithi.."He looked relieved,"Are you okay?"He asked and helped me to get up.He placed the pillow behind.My head is slightly spinning as I sat up.

He placed his both palms on my cheeks and asked,"How are Krithi?Do you want anything?"

I just gave him a hard look and Rithu came,"Hey Krithi."She asked walking around and sat next to me,placing her hand on my shoulder.

"How are you now?"

"Good."I said,"I need some water Rithu."

"I'll get."Yash stood up and went out.

Rithu got up and went to blind off the curtains.I looked at clock and it is 4.20 in evening.I realized that I had slept so much,almost a day passed.I shifted my gaze to Rithu,who is behaving like nothing happened much.

"R-Rithu..Don't you want to ask why I di-did It?"I asked.

"If it is the thing I have to know,you'd surely tell me."She replied making me feel guilty and I just can't take it more.I am done and this problem has to end today.

I looked down and saw a white bandgad around my left wrist.Inhaling deeply and got up and walked to closet and took a towel and clothes.

"Rithu,Did uncle came back from office?"I asked coming back.


"I needed to talk."I said,"Also call mom and dad,ask them to come here."I made my way to bathroom.

I didn't take much time for shower.I wanted to settle this as soon as possible.When I get back to room,it is empty.I already picked up white camisole and sky blue jeans.I also took a hoodie to cover up my wrist.I don't want my parents to know about this.I don't want my dad to think that I am coward.

I made my hair into ponytail and I heard Rithu,"Krithi,Mom and dad came."

"Yeah."I walked out once looking at left wrist and made sure that isn't visible.

"You should get some rest now."She said as I walked down the stairs.

"No,I have to talk today Rithu."I said and saw Yash coming to us.He placed his hand on my shoulder,"Krithi,what you are doing when you are ill?"

I shrugged his hand off and glaring him,I went to living room.I saw everyone gathered there.Jai sat on single couch,on my right.Mom and dad along with Yash's parents sat on big couch infront of me with a puzzled look on their faces.

"What happened Krithi?What you wanted to talk with us?"Dad asked.

"Sit Rithu."I mumbled and my heart beating too fast.I don't know how they are going to react.

Loving him is my mistake(#wattys 2019)Where stories live. Discover now