“Tiffany, it’s so good to see that you are awake and okay. It was touch and go with you for a while. We were all worried, dead and the live ones,” Sarah said with a big smile on her face.

“Thanks, Sarah. What happened after went out?” I asked.

“Just as you went out something amazing happened. Everyone that had been fighting was no longer fighting. Everyone seemed to be very confused at first but then all felt such a reverence towards you that all of us had one purpose.”

“What was that?” I asked.

“You my gonja. When you went out everyone in that place had one purpose and that was to save you in return for saving them. Once you spoke they felt your authority run through their veins. The pack that attacked said they would leave peacefully but they wanted updates on your condition,” Sarah explained.

“Oh thank God. We don’t have an immediate danger of another attack from that pack. That is such a relief to know. Who were they? And why did they attack us? Did they say?” I questioned.

“They are the Sierra Arc pack from New Mexico. They attacked because they received intelligence that we were planning to take out their Alpha in order to control their pack.”

“Why on earth would someone give them false intel?” I pondered aloud.

“I am not sure Tiffany. You must be wary of all except for the most trusted of the pack. Don’t tell anyone anything that isn’t necessary to their position. Do you understand?” Sarah sounded really worried. I could see her point if someone had given false information to one pack they could do the same with another.

Just as I was about to ask Sarah more questions about what she knew someone knocked on my door. Shadow and Stephan came through the door.

“Gonja it’s so wonderful to see you are awake. I have been so worried and feeling so guilty. It’s my job to protect you even from yourself if necessary. I am so sorry. I can’t tell you how horrible I feel. And I will understand if you would like to relieve my of my position,” Stephan said all of this with such sincerity it made my heart hurt.

“Stephan I wouldn’t dream of doing such a thing. It was my decision to go into the battle and I wouldn’t change a thing about it. If you had tried to stop me I would’ve ordered you to stand down immediately. So stop feeling guilty over something you would’ve had no control over. You are one of my most trusted confidants.  There is no one in the world who could replace you in your position,” I returned the sincerity I had heard in his voice.

“Thank you my gonja. My life belongs to you in every way. I am at your complete disposal. If you don’t mind I will be staying with you in the pack house night and day just until you are stronger. It will relieve some of the intense guilt I feel for my failure,” Stephan words willed me to do what I could to relieve his guilt.

“Of course, I would welcome your protection gladly. Especially if it will relieve the guilt you are feeling unnecessarily,” I told him. With that he nodded and left out the door. Shadow walked over to my bed.

“Gonja, I see you are much healthier today. I have received an omen and I feel compelled to warn you. There are those who wish to take your pack by force. Be very careful with each decision you make.”

“Shadow, I am well aware of the situation at hand. And I would appreciate any advice you have to give me. What should I do now?” I asked the old man.

“You must make like the wise bear and hibernate until you are at your strongest. Then you will be able to fight the good fight that will ensue. It may be hours or it may be years before they come for us. But we will be ready!” Shadow told me. “You must appoint someone as temporary Alpha while you are indisposed.”

“Okay, I know exactly who I will choose.” I said with confidence.


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