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1 hour, 38 minutes, and 44 seconds.

I have a precise timer counting down to when we will leave the night club that Kim Donggyul, the guy I must get information from, owns. My body has been feeling weak throughout the entire day and my heart keeps skipping beats, and not in a good way. The butterflies in my stomach aren't the same ones that Jimin gives me; these ones are on fire and they are bringing hell upon my body.

All I will be doing is seducing him into giving me more information about his place in the black economy, but my gut is telling me that things won't go as planned. My stomach has been doing flips and my hands are clammy with sweat, but there is no way that I could back out of this now.

I feel my phone vibrate beside me, and I flip the screen to show that Yoongi has texted me.

"Be there in 5, be ready."

As per their request, I have already done my makeup to the best of my lacking abilities and they will be providing me with my outfit for tonight. From what I have seen, all they boys' styles are immaculate, but what they dress me in is the least of my worries.

They had briefly trained me for almost any possible outcome, but everything that I would have to do keeps rushing in and out of my head so I am fearful that I will forget when the time comes. The only thing I can remember is if things go wrong and my life is in danger, stab him between the neck and the shoulder for the subclavian artery, pull down, and release.

Artery, pull down, release.

I take one last look at myself in the mirror, and I immediately notice the fatigued expression on my face. If I didn't have makeup on, I would probably look like I had died and came back to life. Thankfully, for now, I am still alive and well besides the fact that I am doing a black market mission.

Still in sweatpants and a hoodie, I grab my phone and make my way out of the apartment while sucking in deep shaky breaths. I can barely get my key in the door to lock it because my hands are so shaky, like every nerve in my hands are seizing up with anxiety.

Just as expected, Yoongi, Taehyung, and Hobi are waiting outside but still inside their car which immediately strikes me as unusual. Almost every time I have gotten in the car with them, at least one of them has stood outside to wait for me. I guess this time is different because as of right now, we aren't friends; we are colleagues.

I climb inside the black Hummer that will take me to what feels like my end, and no one says a word as Taehyung pulls away quickly from the curb. Déjà vu immediately hits me even though I know nothing like this has never happened. With the non proclaimed silence, I suddenly miss Jimin's presence and I wish he was here.

"Namjoon won't let me take Taehyung's place in the mission. They already have it all set up, but just know that I will be in the area to pick you up afterwards," Jimin remorsefully said to me as he was leaving my apartment last night. "10 o'clock, 3 blocks west."

"Hana," Yoongi says from beside me, causing me to jolt my head up to look at him out of reflex. He is holding a solid gray shopping bad in front of me in one hand, and a green-handled knife in the other. "There is a thigh strap in the bag for you to hook this knife to. Remember, don't pull it out unless it's life or death; we don't want our cover blown."

I silently take them from his grasp and shoot him a small smile before I look through the bag's contents. Short black heels accompany not only the thigh strap, but also a black dress.

"Do I need to change into it right now?" I ask, not knowing the outcome of changing in front of 3 men.

"You'll have time to get ready in here, but we'll step out so you'll have some privacy," Hobi tells me from the front seat. He turns around to look at me with a knowing look. "This will be an easy in, easy out mission. Like we said before, I'll be the one going in with you and they will be out here."

{h} the butterfly effect : bts gang auWhere stories live. Discover now