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A sharp pain strikes across my face, immediately waking me from my nap. I groan in pain, reaching towards my cheek to where the stinging sensation originated from. Jae chuckles at my surprise, her right hand moving from the left side of her body back to the right side. It takes a few moments for my brain to process that she just smacked me in the face to wake me up.

"Yah! Was that seriously necessary?" I snap, still rubbing my sore cheek. I look down at the table in front of me that has a cold cup of tea sitting upon it. I don't even want to look at her right now. It fucking hurt, okay?

"Actually, yeah. It was." I see her smirking in my side profile. "I tried calling your name, shoving your shoulder, and shaking you awake. You wouldn't budge so I thought, 'the best way to wake this bitch is to smack her in the face.'"

"Yeah, well it fucking worked," I cuss at her. She just leans down and leaves a small peck on my red cheek as an apology. I sigh, checking the time on my phone which read 8:23 pm. My nap lasted five hours longer than I had planned.

"Do you still want to get drunk or should I leave you here? Because Jungkook is going to be here soon to take us to a party down towards the south side," she asks me while I sigh at the name of her boyfriend.

It's not that I don't like Jungkook; he is actually a really good guy for Jae. It is just that he is too good for her. The kid is a quiet guy with an immaculate future in front of him. He is in all advanced college courses, very good with computers, and can put up with Jae. I totally respect both of them and their relationship, but he is whipped on a girl who is nearly two years older that likes partying more than passing her own classes.

"I'll still go, but I'm not too sure if I will do a lot of drinking tonight," I answer, getting on my stiff legs and walking to my room to get ready. I quickly brush my wavy dark brown hair and then fix the smudged makeup around my eyes. Deciding that my clothes weren't suitable for a party, I change into black shorts and a black tank top with a red flannel around my waist. I am not planning on impressing anyone with a skimpy dress tonight.

"Hana! Jungkook is here!" Jae's voice pierced through my walls, making me grab my phone and usher out my bedroom door. He's here a lot sooner than I thought he would. Jae stood there in a simple black dress that flattered her figure. "Why are you wearing that?"

I repeat my previous thoughts out loud to her, "I am not planning on swooning over a one-night stand tonight."

"You look stunning, anyways! Hana, you wouldn't need a flashy outfit to win someone anyways," Jae smiles, sliding her arm into Jungkook who awkwardly waved at you.

"Thanks, Jae," I grin back at her before greeting Jungkook as we walk out the door. We make it down to his black car with tinted windows, me crawling in the back seat.

The ride has been quiet so far with only a few simple questions exchanged between Jungkook and I, with a small whisper of a news station replacing any silences. Jae has been trying to spark a conversation but it was no use; Jungkook and I would never be close enough to hold a real conversation.

And I was completely okay with that.

We park about two blocks from the place where this party is being held just so we won't have to deal with being parked in later. As the three of us near house, I can already tell this party is going to be quite the attraction considering the yard is filled with people and it's barely even 9 o'clock yet.

My hand instinctively goes to the tips of my hair as the smell of liquor fills my nose upon entering behind Jae and Jungkook. This is a friend of a friend of Jungkook's house, and that is probably how we ended up here. I can already tell that tonight's going to suck, and I should've just stayed home and slept.

"Hana, c'mon. At least let me get one drink in with you before you go wandering off to find a cat to play with instead of socializing," Jae says while grabbing my hand and dragging me around until we find a kitchen with Jungkook close behind us. I mentally groan in disgust as we pass through where people are dancing on each other.

Jae skimpily bustles around the liquor table for a minute before deciding on this clear liquid for both her and I. My heart pounds against my chest, completely going against the bass of the music blaring through the house. I don't want to be here.

She makes sure I drink the first cup before she hurries to dance with Jungkook. I groan in annoyance while pouring myself another drink. God, why does she always do this to me? Regret fills my stomach with every sip of the strong drink, fuzzing up my brain a little bit.

Filling up one more cup full, I decide it is time to look for an animal companion to spend the rest of the night with. With no luck, I stagger over towards a living area where instead of dancing, people are just talking so I decide to take a seat on the couch. I can tell that I'm already buzzed, but my conscience is in denial about it.

"Horrible party, right?" A voice says while sitting down next to me. I look to my left to see a soft pale face with shiny cheeks and mint green hair.

"You've got that right."

{h} the butterfly effect : bts gang auWhere stories live. Discover now