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The crisp October air is almost unforgiving to the touch, but the beautiful iridescent leaves that continuously fall from the trees makes it bearable. It's calming to watch, the way that they drift off in the breeze and smoothly make their way from a branch to the ground. I take my time to appreciate the calm autumn afternoon after a hectic day in class because before I realize it, all the leaves will be dead and buried in the inevitable snow of winter.

This time of year has always been my favorite. Autumn, that is. The whole season is full of new fashion trends, immaculate food, and calming walks that one can't seem to enjoy at any other time of the year, in my opinion, at least. It's either raining or beautifully sunny, and both weather patterns make me happy in a different way.

It's calming.

A hand moves into my view from behind me, holding a cup of coffee, "Caramel frappuccino for the lovely lady."

I turn around to see a blonde haired angel, smiling so wide that his eyes are closed and formed into clear crescents. The sun catches his earring just right and it reflects, and he's holding a cup of coffee in each hand. The sleeves of his blue bomber jacket almost cover his hands which are still full of rings that could probably pay my tuition.

"Thank you so much, oh my goodness I have been craving one of these for so long," I reply as I greedily take the liquid heaven from his hand. He lets out a laugh as he brushes his hair back with his now, free hand.

"Well, I'm glad I can comply to your cravings," Jimin says. "Ready to head back to your apartment?"

"Indeed I am," I smile back. It has been three days since I last saw Jimin when he dropped me off at home, and he said earlier over text that they are all duty free the next few days. I find it quite flattering that he decided to tell me so that we could hang out a bit more.

We climb into his car which had become cold due to the abnormally frigid temperatures of this early October, and he instantly turns on the seat warmers.

"How fancy," I laugh, referring to the invention. "I hope when I'm able to buy a car that it will have seat warmers."

"You won't need a car while you have me around. I definitely won't mind driving you wherever you need to go, especially when that means I get to see you." I can tell he's flirting, but it's just apart of his personality.

"Well, when you're busy I'll have to be able to get myself around somehow," I retort. "I'm sick and tired of the subway now that I've been in cars that have been made this year."

"Oh c'mon, it's not that bad. If I didn't have a job, if that's what you wanna call it at least, that didn't require me driving around, I would be on that subway everyday," he says while turning the corner. I take a sip of my drink while looking at him and I'm still amazed by his flawless complexion.

In a few short minutes, he pulls up to the front of my building. Jimin opens his door and I try to get out as well, but he locks it. I unlock it from the inside but he's quick to lock it once again and we keep this antic up until he's in front of my door and opening it for me, smiling like the cheesy mother fucker he is.

"Why did you do that?" I ask, pretending to pout as I get out of the car but in reality, I think it's incredibly charming. He doesn't need to know that, though.

"Because I felt like it," he laughs, looking down, and closing the door, but neither of us move to go into my apartment. He stands right in front of me so I lean back against the car with my arms crossed.

{h} the butterfly effect : bts gang auWhere stories live. Discover now