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"You got arrested?" I whisper-yell as a response with wide eyes. "What the hell did you do?"

"I sort of beat this guy up at a bar and I got held down until the police came. It wasn't related to us in any way, he just was trying to pick a fight with me so I gave him what he deserved," he shrugged. "Now that I'm on police records, the guys want me to lay low for a bit. I changed my hair just in case but if anyone wanted to find me now, all they have to do is search me."

"Can't they find your address too, then?"

"Probably, and that's why Jungkook is here. Don't tell him I told you anything, all you know is that he's here because of Tae. I'm already in a lot of trouble, but I figured you wanted an explanation," he nodded. Something about his confession seemed a little bit off, but I couldn't exactly put my finger on it. All of the ignoring and the distancing, all because he got arrested for a fight? It doesn't make sense to me but maybe it's because I don't understand the whole scene they were in. I don't understand any of it.

However, something about it tugged on my heart strings. "Are you okay?"

"Couldn't be better," he smiled slightly, but I could tell something wasn't right. I don't think I will ever get the entire truth from him or any of the others, but that won't ever stop me from trying.

One word came out from my mouth before Jungkook came back into the room. "Liar."

Thankfully, Jungkook didn't hear me say that or he at least didn't say anything about my accusation towards Jimin.

"Jae wants me to swing by the apartment and talk to her about what's going on. Would you like a ride?" He asks me. I think about it for a second but that just seems like an awkward situation for the both of us.

"I think I'll just ride the subway or get a taxi. I don't want Jae to get suspicious over something she doesn't understand," I reply honestly, but I really just don't feel like I should confront him on the other reason.

With that, he grabs his keys, flips a light switch that doesn't change the lighting inside, and leaves. He left Jimin and I alone and I actually curse him and myself because I didn't think this through. My opinion on Jimin has changed these past few months without speaking, but now that I know it was because he was in jail.

It still doesn't register correctly because for the average person, you would want to stay away from people like him. There is something about him though; he's like a drug and now that I've had one dose of him, I can't get enough.

"Are you hungry?" He asks awkwardly, getting up from his chair and walking to the refrigerator. He has this whole bad guy persona, but when he is around me it's like that all melts away. I'm confused by him.

"No, I'm okay. I ate at home," I tell him. He just simply nods as he opens the fridge, looks for a moment, and then closes it. "If you're just looking to make something for yourself though, I can just head home."

"Oh, no. You don't have to go yet, I was just wondering if you were," he says awkwardly, coughing slightly as a pause, "hungry."

"What is your deal with me?" I blurt without thinking.

Jimin looks at me with a confused expression and I can tell he is taken aback by my sudden outburst. I continue, "When we first met, you were so cocky and then on the night I got jumped, you were so sweet and open. And now? You're just being awkward so what is your deal with me?"

He lets out a sigh and leans his back against the fridge while crossing his arms. Jimin gives me a glance before speaking. "Listen Hana, my life is way more complicated than you think. I can't just go out of my way to talk to you or whatever you want from me."

{h} the butterfly effect : bts gang auWhere stories live. Discover now