Chapter twenty-two

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So like i forgot again


So this one and another one :)

Btw, Ik that its chapter twenty two and not twenty one but twenty one is more of bonus chapters and they aren't done yet bc i was farted and didn't finish the part two and i dont wanna leave y'all hanging

Neways, enjoy!

Chapter Twenty-two

Sicheng POV

I had mixed emotions about going to school. I felt uncomfortable about the fact the most of the school knew about what had happened to me and apparently they thought I was crazy to "suspect" Marvin even though it was clearly him. Lucas told me that he was convinced that Marvin put a spell on the school and at this point I was too because the ignorance coming off the school was just to laughable. On the other hand I was still nervous as to the fact that he might come to school and disobey the principals given orders. I was also afraid about the fact that I had to go on the school bus to school. The FBI clearly didn't care about my case because they gave me all sorts of dumb rules that clearly wouldn't help them "solve" the already solved case.

I got ready like always and ate breakfast. When I realized the bus would be arriving at my house at any second I quickly slipped on my shoes, grabbed my bag and ran outside where the bus was waiting for me. When I got on the bus I got stared at from every angle. I saw Johnny sat alone in his seat looking out the window while listening to music, so I decided to walk up to his seat. He noticed me and took out his headphones and then smiled. "hey! Sit down with me!" he said patting the seat cover beside him. I smiled gratefully and sat beside him keeping a safe distance.

"so, why are you taking the bus now? Wait, don't you live with Lucas, Jungwoo and Yuta?" he asked. "i was kicked out of the house by the FBI." I whispered. He gasped. "the FBI's involved?" he questioned. I nodded. "but the FBI barely cares about my case because no matter how much I tell them it was Marvin and give them evidence they just won't listen." I complained.

I felt that talking to Johnny was refreshing as he was a genuinely chill and interesting person that I admired. We arrived at the school sooner than I thought.

>>>end of the day>>>

wow, that must be been one of the most normal and none eventful days of my life! I thought to myself while walking to the bus with Johnny after I said goodbye to Yuta. "so, how'd you're a day go?" he asked. I shrugged. "boring as fu- hello!" I said with a smile when my principal appeared. "hello Sicheng, I was wondering if I could have a word for a second?" the principal said. I nodded and told Johnny to meet me on the bus and save me a seat.

The principal checked that nobody was around and then sighed. "I heard about the FBI getting involved in the situation so there's one thing I need from you." the principal said urgently. "Y-Yeah, sure, what is it?" I asked informally. "do not get the school involved and don't speak a word about what happened on the roof!" he snapped. Dumbfounded I nodded. He was asking me to leave out important information from FBI. He left as quick as he arrived and I walked onto the bus dumbfounded. 

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