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Sebastian eventually got warmed up to Finn and was talking animatedly with him and Kurt when they heard a car pulling up in the driveway.

"Oh, Burt's home," Finn said, looking out the window.

Sebastian unconsciously went still. He hadn't ever met anyone else's father, but merely the word brought back bad memories.

He heard the door open and swallowed nervously. 'When in doubt, Smythe it out' was kind of Sebastian's motto, because all Smythes pretended they weren't messed up and acted perfectly polite and proper around other people. As much as he hated his family- besides Macy- it worked.

Burt saw Kurt when he walked in, smiling widely. "You're here!"

"If I do recall, I was invited," Kurt said, grinning. He decided to test something. "After all, Lima's safe now, right?"

Sure enough, Burt's smile wavered for a split second before he recovered it. He knew Karofsky was out. "Right."

"Anyway, dad, this is Sebastian. I wanted him to meet my friends here. Sebastian, this is my dad."

Sebastian put out his hand, whipping up a demeanor of casualty and politeness to hide his fear. "Nice to meet you, sir."

Burt chuckled, shaking his hand. "You can call me Burt."

He's never been told to call an adult by their first name before. The adults he'd been around were never that casual. He nodded, hiding his uncertainty.

"So, dad, anything I missed that I should know?" Kurt asked.

"They still can't find a kicker for the football team, but I suppose Finn told you that. Um, I can't think of anything else."

Kurt couldn't believe it. His father never kept things from him.

"You're right, Karofsky getting out of jail much earlier than he should have isn't important," he said sarcastically.

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