V: Jeff

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POV: Jeff

Hunter throws an apple at me in retaliation to my joke of forgetting him, and if sails directly for my head until an pale arm flicks out and snatches it from mid air. I watch as Kurt pulls his arm back to him, appearing slightly embarrassed and takes a bite out of it. We all stare at him and go silent.

"What?" he asks quietly, his voice shaking nervously.

"I— you— uh..." I stutter.

"What Jeff means to say is thank you." I look to the source of the voice and see Sebastian with a smirk on his face. "And I'm sure Nick would hate if his boyfriend's face was bruised by flying fruit. Who knew pretty boy had such quick reflexes?"

I see Kurt tense as he hears the nickname "pretty boy" and something flickers in his eyes, so quickly that I can't quite put my finger on what it was, but it the intensity of it scared me slightly. I'm drawn out of my thoughts when I hear Nick talking.

"Yeah, thank you Kurt. I'd rather not deal with his complaining about his 'beautiful face hurting,'" Nick says in an impression of me.

I laugh and punch him softly on the shoulder. "Please, I don't sound like that."

"I disagree," Wes says with a smug look on his face.

David laughs. "As you all know, Wes's word is law."

"Hey Kurt, can I have that apple back?" I jokingly ask him, and he laughs.

"I'd rather not be hit by a gavel by helping you, thanks," he says softly but loud enough for the table to hear him. We all laugh ridiculously and I feel a sharp pain in the top of my head.

"I can't believe you already told him about—" Wes says before being cut off, having hit me on the head with his gavel.

"About what?" I tease, having interrupted him. "Your obsession with gavels, or the fact that you literally carry it around in your pocket?"

"I do not!" Wes says, infuriated, his face turning red.

"Then explain to me where you just got your gavel from," I say, knowing I won.

Wes's face just turns redder, as the table bursts out laughing. I see Kurt flinch at the sudden burst of noise, as we always laugh the loudest when someone finds a way to tease Wes and knock him off his high horse.

I turn to him. "Hey, you okay?" I ask quietly, not wanting to make him uncomfortable.

He looks at me, frightened, as if afraid to show emotion. When he rushes to leave the dining hall, I decide to give him some time.

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