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Macy was still in shock as they drove to the hospital. Kurt explained that Sebastian would get his memory back eventually, and the doctors said he was already remembering a few things. They weren't good things, though, but he was still remembering.

When they reached the door to his room, Kurt paused. "Macy, I'm going to be blunt with this. He doesn't remember anything, and he's most likely going to be hooked up to wires and heavily bandaged. He won't seem like the same person you remember. But underneath all that, he is. And we can get him back with some time and patience."

Macy nodded determinedly. "I'm the most impatient person in the world, but I'd wait my whole life for him."

Kurt nodded, gently opening the door and stepping inside.

As Macy saw her brother, she couldn't be more glad that Kurt had warned her. He had wires and tubes connecting going from him to several machines and bags. That wasn't even the worst part- the worst part is that he looked absolutely terrified, his eyes wide in fear.

"What-t? Who- who are you?"

Macy felt a stab at her heart. He hadn't stuttered since France, since they escaped their parents. It had took his while for his stutter, which had been completely uncontrollable, to go away as he gained confidence. Now, though...

That was all gone. It was back to square one.

"I'm Kurt, I go to your school," Kurt explained softly. "This is Macy, she's your sister."

"I'm Sebast-tian," he stammered.

Kurt smiled. "Nice to see you, Sebastian. How are you feeling?"

"Bad. Everything hurt-ts."

Kurt frowned sympathetically. "I'm sorry. Hopefully you'll feel better soon."

Macy was a bit amazed at how Kurt was keeping the conversation simple, as if Sebastian was a young and frightened child. Which was actually pretty accurate to how he was acting.

"I hope so t-too. Why are you here?"

"We used to be friends, Sebastian. I came to see how you are doing, I heard you weren't well."

Sebastian nodded softly. "Thank you. For- for caring."

"Did they tell you when you'll be able to go back to school?" Macy asked.

Sebastian's eyes moved to her, as if he had forgotten she was there. He didn't speak, he just shook his head and she could see he was trembling.

"Sebastian, it's okay. I'm your sister, we're friends as well," she tried to reassure him.

"But I don't-t know you."

She felt another stab at her heart. "You forgot a few things, Sebastian. I must have been one of them."

"How do I know you aren't-t t-tricking me?" He didn't seem accusing, but merely curious. He wanted to know if she was tricking him.

"You don't. But you can trust me, and you can trust Kurt."

He seemed to think about this for a minute. "Then what-t happened t-to me? They won't-t say."

Kurt answered before Macy did. "We don't know, and I'm sorry, Sebastian, but there's probably a reason they haven't told you."

Sebastian seemed disappointed but nodded in agreement. "I suppose."

Macy gave Kurt a questioning look and he answered with an 'I'll-explain-later' one.

A doctor came into the room, before they could say anything else. "Visiting hours are over, Mr. Smythe needs his rest."

Sebastian looked confused. "Is that-t me?"

"It's your last name. We'll see you another time, Sebastian," Kurt answered.

Sebastian nodded, trying to remember that, and waved weakly to them. He was exhausted from trying to talk to people.

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