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POV: Macy

We walk to Dalton in silence, and I  pointed out the building when I saw it. It's quite hard to miss, really.

Bas opens the front doors for me, walking in behind me.

"Sebastian? You're back early!" a voice exclaims. I look over at the same time Bas does.

"Kurt, hey. This is Macy, my younger sister."

He gives Bas a questioning look.

I smile at him. "Hi! You must be the new kid, right?"

He smiles nervously at me. "Yeah, I'm Kurt."

"Nice to meet you, Kurt." I smile widely at him.

Bas starts walking to the dorm, and I cluck my tongue in disapproval at his attempt to walk by himself. I quickly rush over and help him, making it look as if I just have my arm wrapped around him instead of helping him walk.

Soon he reaches a room, unlocking the door. I help him in, sitting him down on the bed. Kurt follows us in and I close the door.

"You're limping. I take it the weekend didn't go well?" He asks sympathetically.

Bas shrugs. "I've had worse. Better question, how was Dalton without me?"

Kurt wrinkles his nose. "Boring. I don't really know anybody but you and Jeff here, and he talks too much for me to keep up with what he's saying." He looks thoughtful for a moment. "Well, the most eventful thing was Blaine apologizing for his comment. I can't tell if he's trying to lull me into a false sense of security or is actually sorry."

I feel a pang in my chest at the boy's obvious distrust, knowing from Bas that Blaine's intentions are pure.

"Maybe you could try to see how he acts? Get a feel for what kind of person he is? If Jeff and Bas are gone, you will probably need someone else to keep you from getting bored out of you mind," I suggest, pretending not to know more than I should.

Kurt blinks in surprise. "That's a great idea, thanks. I can see who the smart one in the family is," he jokes.

Bas throws a pillow at him. "You're an only child, you're the smart one and the dumb one."

"Alas, you're just the dumb one," he teases. "And I have Finn."

"Not blood-related, doesn't count," Bas declares. I giggle at their antics, knowing that they haven't even known each other long.

"Well, unlike you two, I'm purely the smart one," I boast. Bas shares a look with Kurt and they both throw a pillow at me.

I squeal, ducking my head to hide. After I while I uncover my head and we all laugh- it's been a while since I laughed this freely.

A bell rings and I give Bas a questioning look.

"That's the dinner bell," he explains, walking to the door.

I smile, following him with Kurt. Time to meet everyone I've heard so much about.

Soon we reach an extremely noisy room that must be the dining hall. I grin wider, and Bas shows me to a table in the middle of the room.

He pulls out a chair for me. "I'll let you introduce yourself, I should get you food before the line is too long," he murmurs in my ear, walking over to the food.

He knows me so well. "Hello, I'm Macy," I say, answering their questioning looks.

"What exactly are you doing here?" a boy that I recognize as Wes from Bas's descriptions asks me.

"I'm Sebastian's sister. Our parents were out of town and it isn't very safe for me to be alone," I lie smoothly. I knew they would ask, I prepared an answer.

I look around curiously, trying to find this Hunter I've heard so much about.

"Who are you looking for?" a blonde boy that can only be Jeff asks.

I chuckle slightly. As if I'd betray Bas like that. "Not you, Jeff."

He blinks, confused. "How do you know his name?" another boy, most likely Nick, demands.

I roll my eyes. "I'm Sebastian's sister. I've heard a lot about all of you, including descriptions about all of your looks."

"What have you heard, exactly?" David asks nervously.

I smile wickedly. "Oh, telling you wouldn't be any fun. I've heard just about everything, really."

Bas comes back, laughing at the slightly frightened looked on their faces. "Em, what did you say?"

"What did you tell her, Sebastian?" Wes demands.

Bas and I laugh. "I mean, everything." He shrugs.

"Everything, meaning...?" Wes presses.

Bas raises an eyebrow at him, like a 'do-you-really-want-me-to-answer-that-because-I-would-have-to-tell-everyone-that-you-and-David-are-having-a-secret-affair' eyebrow raise. I giggle, seeing Wes pale.

"Um, never mind," he mutters.

Jeff's eyes widen. "Wait, you have something on Wes? How?" he exclaims.

I roll my eyes. "He, or rather, we, have something on all of you."

"Wait, does that mean you have something on Sebastian?" Jeff asked mischievously.

"Yes, but I'd never betray him," I say smoothly. I give Bas a look. "Well, unless he gives me a reason to," I joke.

Bas raises his hands in mock-defeat. "Hey, I never knew you were going to visit Dalton."

He slides a plate to me, nodding to it. I look curiously at him, noticing that he didn't get anything.

'Not hungry,' he mouths. I nod, going to eat. He usually isn't hungry after father's visits, it does have a way of ruining one's appetite.

I shudder slightly, remembering how terrible today's visit was.

A bit into the meal, Bas's phone rings. My eyebrows shoot up, knowing that he only has his phone so one person can contact him.

One person we constantly hope will never contact him again.

He puts on a blank face, answering the phone and walking out to the hall. The others might be fooled, but I know that he only hides all his emotions when he's afraid.

Judging by Kurt's worried look, he knows it too.

When he returns, he leans over and whispers into my ear. "Have Kurt help you in the dorm. I'll be back."

He gives a brave smile and gets up to leave. I watch as he leaves. Father's never 'met with him' twice on the same day before. I hope he'll be okay.

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