Chapter Thirty-Eight

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A/N: One month...Oh man, I suck you guys! I am so sorry for keeping you from reading this story for that long. Hopefully some of you are still wanting to read it. Anyways, here's chapter 38 and I promise that I have not forgotten about this story and it surely isn't over. I do have a lot more planned for it. I just haven't had much time to write the longer updates that I want to for this one. So, thanks to those who have been patient with me.

Enjoy & here is chapter 38!

Within Temptation- Chapter Thirty- Eight

"Yes." Elena exclaimed without a minute of hesitation. She knew what she wanted and it was him.

"Really?" Stefan asked her, still holding the small box in his hands as Elena watched him stand up straight and get his knee off of the floor, a beaming smile forming across his lips.

"Yes. Stefan, I don't need to think about this anymore. I know that I've been hesitant about marrying you and about how everyone was going to react to the news. But, I shouldn't care anymore. What matters is that I love you, Stefan and I know that you love me. So, why should we wait and put our happiness on hold just because we're afraid of what everyone is going to say." Elena explained, feeling his arm pull her closer as he kissed her forehead, leaning his own against hers and staring straight into her dark brown loving eyes.

"I love you too and you're right. We shouldn't worry anymore." Stefan told her, leaning Elena back and kissing her lips tenderly as he felt her wrap her arms around him, smiling up at him when she broke away. "I can't wait to be married to you." She said honestly, with a bright smile. Elena felt his fingertips glide across her skin, moving a few strands of her hair out of her eyes as he smiled back at her and said. "It's going to be better than you ever imagined."

He lifted her back up so that she was standing straight in front of him, the glistening of the wedding ring that Stefan had placed on Elena's finger shined as she nodded. "I know."

Stefan stopped for a moment, noticing the panicked look in her eyes. He gently grabbed a hold of her face into the palm of hands, stroking his thumbs over her cheeks as he sighed. "We don't need to tell anyone that we're engaged until you feel like it. That is, unless you want to start telling people right away. But, you know...We can keep this low key until then."

She nodded, still staring down at her hand and the 18 kart diamond ring in which had more than without a question cost him a good thousand dollars. She knew that he had spent an arm and a leg for the rock on her hand. But, she didn't say anything because he didn't seemed bothered by it. "What if the media finds out though? You know, what are we going to do?" Elena asked hesitantly as Stefan took a step back, leaning his hands against the counter in the kitchen. Elena noticed that his fingers were curled inward, holding on to the tile as he looked back at her.

"We'll play it off as a rumor and keep them guessing until we decide to make it officially known. Elena, I'm going to make sure that I don't slip up and say anything as long as you don't either. That is, if you don't want them to know." He reassured her, knowing deep down that it was fairly easy to throw him and the ones he loved into the limelight. Which they had all been observed under for the last year.

"We can't lie to them, Stefan. Maybe we should just make a statement together, at Dasells. I mean, it would make sense. Since, I am going to be working there as well. With Katherine and everyone. We're trying to save the company, Stefan." Stefan closed his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest as a small smile lingered across his face, thinking about working with Elena made him feel good. She was going to make a difference in the company, he just knew it.

"Yeah, maybe when we make the announcement that you'll be part of the company as well. Then, we can announce our engagement. It'd be best if the media heard it from the two of us rather than anyone else. Like, one of our friends of family." Stefan concluded, opening his eyes to see Elena standing in front of him. She had her warm hands on each side of his face, a sweet and loving smile was forming on her lips.

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