Chapter Twenty-Three

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A/N: This chapter makes me really want to kill Katherine! lol.

Anyways, hope you all enjoy it and please feel free to leave me a review!

Thanks so much for reading!

Within Temptation-Chapter Twenty-Three

"Good morning Chicago This is your local news anchor Alicia Miller with KNTV. In local news this morning, Chicago's most gossiped about and loved socialite, Katherine Salvatore is in our studios. Mrs. Salvatore has had quite a year and she's here to share some of it with all us." The young anchor elaborated as the camera panned over to Katherine and she smiled a overly sweet and yet underlined malicious smile right before it turned away from her and back towards the news anchor.

"So, Katherine...Please feel free to indulgence into your world as one of the most powerful and rich women in the city. I'm sure all of our viewers would love to know a bit more about your life Is it true that you raised around 6,000 dollars for one of your beloved charities for children?" Alicia asked as Katherine nodded and placed her hands on to the table in front of them, the light shining down on her as she placed a few pieces of her long curly brown hair behind her ears, smiling when she cleared her throat- the mood in the room instantly changing to a tense atmosphere.

"Well, yes it is true, Alicia. But, I'm not really hear to discuss anything about my charities. The real reason I wanted to be here today was because I wanted to share a few truths about my life that have been over exaggerated in the media lately and to be honest, I wanted to clarify a few things." Katherine told her as the anchor gave her a confused look and she shrugged her shoulders back, smiling widely.

"Oh. Well, I for one know that there have been a few stories about you that haven't seemed very nice or usual to your character. One in particular is about your husband, the CEO of Dasell's Antiques, Stefan Salvatore. It's so unfortunate about his time in rehab. But, I surely hope that he is getting the treatment that he needs. So, I guess today's the day, folks. Katherine Salvatore herself is clearing up those pesky rumors." Alicia said as the camera turned back to Katherine and she smiled once again, a rush of heat coming over her body before she spoke in a firm tone, directly to the camera.

"You know, it is very unfortunate about my husband and I hope as well that he gets the care he so desperately needs. However, I won't be the one to really sit by his side while he goes through his ups and downs. If you're asking yourself why that is...It's because of this. For the past year, I've been impersonated by a woman who looks just like me. Actually, let me clarify. Her name is Elena Gilbert and she's my long lost twin sister that has ruined and taken over my life..."

Bonnie coffee mug dropped to the ground as she felt the scorching liquid spill over her legs. But, she was too immersed into what was happening on the television to even care. Katherine Salvatore had just thrown Elena Gilbert under a bus and as she uttered the truth on national television. Bonnie swore that she could hear the collective gasps of the news crew as they all sat silently, listening to Katherine explain more.

"You see. My amazing and dotting husband, Stefan. Isn't just a drug addict. He's also a cheater and a fool for falling in love with my twin sister. Because, let's face it- there can only be one woman who claims his heart. And, I'm pretty sure that I did that first. I just really want to move on from all of this. And, I'm sure that Stefan does too."

"Move on? Oh my god!" Bonnie blurted out as she got up from the couch she had been sitting on, too glued to the television and the events unfolding on the screen to even shout out Elena's name. But, just as she opened her mouth, she heard it- a high pitched shrinking noise coming from Elena's bedroom.

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