Chapter Thirty-One

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Within Temptation-Chapter Thirty-One

"Idiot. Stupid Moron!" Damon's mind shouted at him as he got up from the floor, touching the blood from his neck and wiping it off of his jeans. He felt light headed, sick almost as he helped Katherine to her feet. "Are you okay?" Damon began to ask as he heard Katherine huff out a breath, mumbling how sorry she was and that if she hadn't been frozen from fear that none of this would have happened. But, the moment that Katherine continued to explain to Damon how scared she was, they both heard a heavy pair of footsteps come towards them and saw the angered face of the woman that they promised they were going to help.

"I was three minutes away! I was three damn minutes away from coming in here and arresting him and you two let him go! I even had back up and everything. God damn it! It was my fault in thinking I could use the two of you! What the hell happened?" Lexi shouted at them, anger seeping from her tone as she glanced over at Damon who had blood on his hand and some of it running down his neck and then her brown eyes shifted towards Katherine whose arms were crossed over each other, her eyes glued to the floor like a small child that knew that it was in trouble.

"I'm just happened so fast. He grabbed Damon and cut him and once I saw the blood, once I tried to get away and he told us that if we moved that he was going to kill us..I panicked. Lexi, Please..believe me, I'm sorry. You should have never involved me." Katherine said, not making eye contact with the furious police officer and her detective partner that was standing beside her, shaking his head in disapproval.

"We almost had him!" Lexi's partner, Leo said as he glanced over at her and she sighed out a breath. "I know. But, it's not too late. I want an all points bulletin posted about Matt Donovan. I want every major highway on the lookout for his car, I want his face plastered on every media airway and his description out there, I want you all to interview any witnesses that saw him leaving. And, most of all...I want to get Matt before he gets to her. Before, he gets to them." Lexi vowed, swallowing hard as she turned her head back towards Damon and Katherine who stood in the room in total silence.

"You two are coming with me..I want to know what Matt took when he was in here. And,Katherine...You were right, I wasn't done with you. Actually, the judge called me. He's decided that because of your involvement that you'll be under house arrest, by the guidance of your probation officer. So, until your probation hearing...I'm going to make sure you get a gps tracking device. So, that I know where you are at all times." Lexi added, smiling just a little when she saw the annoyed looking frown spread across Katherine's lips.

"House arrest? A tracking device? What am I...A stray animal? I thought that once my bail was paid, that I was free to be a normal part of society again." Katherine commented, listening as Lexi laughed loudly, turning on her heels to glance over at her with a smirk. "Not exactly princess. You hired and plotted for a man to hurt your sister...Of course, you're going to face some consequences for your actions. And, one of them is making sure that you stay in the same place while I deal with that maniac that's not roaming freely around town!"

"What am I doing back here?" Katherine questioned, watching Lexi glance up at her through the rearview mirror, an irritated look in her brown eyes that made Lexi smile even wider as she pushed open the car door to her squad car and walked over to the back seats, opening the door so that Katherine could get a better glance up at the house that they were parked in front of.

"I'm not staying here, Lexi. The people in that house hate me and well, I don't blame them one bit." Katherine spat out, extending out her wrists as Lexi undid the handcuffs from them and bent down to check the ankle monitor around her leg.

"Remember how I talked about consequences, Katherine? This is one of them. You can't outrun your past. So, how about you suck it up and just be happy that you're still alive and breathing. I mean, for god sakes. You could have gotten off much worse than this." Lexi told her, hearing Katherine exhale and nod, whispering just barely. "I know."

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