Plagg: I have half of mind to give that archdeacon a piece of my mind! He raise you and this is the thanks he give you?!

Pollen: Now, now Plagg. Give sweet Varian space. The poor dear been through a lot today.

Trixx: And hey, we seen what the girl did.

Varian: Who?

Trixx: (roll eyes) Judy. She let you kiss her palm.

Duusu: Could it be that you have feelings for her?

(Varian let out a blush, looking away from the saints. They see all and know all, he can't turn away from them.)

Nooroo: Varian?

Varian: I.. I.. Sh-She never look at me the way all do. Almost like she see me human. I.. I...I feel funny when I'm near her.

Trixx: I knew it! You do like her!

Plagg: Lucky you!

Pollen: Oh Splenid! You should invite her in, get to know her so well and soon you two will live a happy ending!

Varian: (blushing) It..It won't if there's one problem.

Saints: What problem?

Voice: Varian!

(They heard a voice coming up. The saints turn to their statue form just as a man came. He wear a Chruch attire, hair long tied in a ponytail. Varian straighten himself.)

Cludis: Hmm. A full hour and still in one piece. Guess I underestimated your powers.

Varian: A-Actually master, my powers have nothing to do wi-

Cludis: Don't talk while I'm speaking to you!

Varian: S-Sorry master.

Cludis: You're forgiven. And..what is the deal with the gypsies?

Varian: The gypsies?

Cludis: Cassandra and that other girl.

Varian: I think her name is Judith. They were just being nice, is that a crime master?

Cludis: Have I thought you enough to know how dangerous they can be? Once they have you under the palm of their hand, they will do unspeakable deeds to you. Once the demon of hell can posses.

Varian: But... When Judy place her-

Cludis: (at her face) She will leave you like your parents did! Do you want to suffer another heartache?! I don't want to hear more about her, or Cassandra, or the gypsies again. Do I make myself clear?

Varian: Yes master, please forgive me master.

(Cludis snarl at him, before taking his leave. Once he is out of sight, the saints came to life again. Varian walk to the railing of the bell tower and look down at the view. Form there, he can see all of Paris. He look down and see Cassandra dancing with the crowd admiring her. And that's when he turn and see Judy dancing on her own, and in her imaginary world in Notre Dame. He stare at her, gazing at her with a loving eyes. He feel draw to her all of a sudden, almost like they're destined to be. Cassandra is every men fantasies, but Judy, she's his belle. He look over Paris with a lovestruck look.)

Varian: (sing) Belle, is the only word I know that suits her well

When she dances, oh the stories she can tell

A free bird trying out her wings to fly away

And when I see her move I see hell to pay

(He look away and head back inside the tower with the saints watching him.)

Varian: (sing) She dances naked in my soul and sleep won't come

And it's no use to pray these prayers to Notre Dame

Tell, who's be the first to raise his hand and throw a stone

I'd hang him high and laugh to see him die alone

Oh Lucifer, please let me go beyond god's law

And run my fingers through her hair, Judith

(The saints smile softly, they know this would come. He is in love, and the gods are giving him a chance for love. Down below the tower, Cludis watch outside through the doors and watch Cassandra dance. Ever since he saw her, he feel a burging desire for her. One that is against the laws of God.)

Cludis: (sing) Belle, there's a demon inside her who came from hell

And he turned my eyes from God and oh, I fell

She put this heat inside me, I'm ashamed to tell

Without my god inside, I'm just a burning shell

(He close the door and walk away and walk through the halls.)

Cludis: (sing) The sin of Eve she had in her I know so well

For want of her, I know I'd give my soul to sell

Belle, this gypsy girl is there a soul beaneth her skin

And does she bear the cross of all our human sin

Oh Notre Dame, please let me go beyond god's law

Open the door of love inside, Cassandra

(Outside of Notre Dame, Andrew see Cassandra dance. He smile, but remember of his marriage with Stalyan. He walk away while staring at Cassandra.)

Andrew: (sing) Belle, even though her eyes seem to lead us to hell

She may be more pure, more pure than words can tell

But when she dance, feelings come no man can quell

Beneath her rainbow colored dress there burns the well

(He head out, where he see his fiancé talking to her friends. He turn away to the other directions.)

Andrew: (sing) My promise one, please let me one time be untrue

Before in front of God and man I marry you

Who would be the man who'd turn from her to save his soul

To be with her, I'd let the devil take me whole

Oh Stalyan, I am a man who knows no law

I go to open up the rose, Cassandra

(With Judy, she sat on the foot of Notre Dame and look up. She feel a strong connection with the Chruch, almost like there's someone in there for her. But who she ask. She close her eyes to daydream again, but she can feel singing.)

Three: (sing) She dances naked in my soul and sleep won't come

And it's no use to pray these prayers to Notre Dame

Tell, who'd be the first to raise his hand and throw a stone

I'd hang him high and laugh to see him die alone

Oh Lucifer, please let me go beyond god's law

And run my fingers through her hair, Cassandra (Varian: Judith)

(Up on the bell tower, Varian stare at the Windows.)

Varian: (sing) Judith (Cludis and Andrew: Cassandra)

(He inhale, where his hair, freckles and eyes glow light blue under the moon drawn sky as dusk rise. The saints keep their distance when he use his powers, it can cause destruction and drain age when touch by contact. He grip on a rope to the bells and pull it, the bells ring loud over town.)

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