Forty Five- Full Moon

Start from the beginning

Varian: (finish eating) Just a animals instinct, maybe.

(Then the moon is up and in the sky. Varian can feel his body changing, Judy get up and back away from him. Varian face morph into a wolf shape, claws pop out in his finger nails and claws at his feet poke a hole on his shoes. A tail grow from his back and grow big that tear his clothes and grow black fur. Long teeth slowly morph from his muzzle. Rudiger and Odette hide behind Judy who is terrified at what she is watching, never seen him look in pain. Then when the transformation is complate he let out a loud howl, one that made Judy fell on her bottom and grab the animals in fear. Varian as a werewolf stare at Judy, Judy shake in fear.)

Judy: H-Hey're looking good.. Heh..

(Rudiger and Odette shake in fear from the werewolf glaze, afarid they look like meal for him. Judy stand up and walk to him slowly.)

Judy: Can you..hear me? Varian?

(He launch forward, but the chain held him down. Judy step back away from him, staying far away from him. He thrash against the chains, bite on them but too strong for his teeth and pull hard but they won't break. Judy let out a sigh of this, at least he is not going anywhere. For the next couple minutes, Judy clean up the mess in the basement while being away from Varian. He thrash against the chains to break free, but won't be breakable. Judy took a seat and lay her head down to sleep, and that's when she look at his face. He look like a puppy that wants to play. Judy can feel the urge to let him go, but under Varian's order she can't let him go. But the more she look at his face, the more she can't stand it.)

Judy: Oh god, why do you got to be so cute?

(She get up, walk to him and pull out the key.)

Judy: Just gonna loosen up, but don't leave.

(She unlock the lock to loosen the chains, but once it was done, he thrash against it. The chain fell out of him and he dash off. Judy gulp in worry.)

Judy: Oh man! Varian!

(She get up and run after him. In Corona, Rapunzel sleep with Pascal on her side. Then she woke up to the sound of a loud howl. She look at the window, and feel a dead dread in her. Down below, the citizens are running for their life's as Varian tear buildings and take away the butchers meat to eat. Judy made it to Corona, stop to see Varian causing chaos. She gasp in fear and guilt. Then the royal guards came along with their captain and Cassanda with Eugene and Lance by her side.)

Richard: Be careful men!

Cassandra: Right dad!

(Varian growl as the gurads draw their swords at him. Judy gasp, run to the guards, but Eugene grab her and held her.)

Eugene: Judy. Get back!

Judy: No! You don't get it! That's Varian over there!

Eugene: Varian?

Judy: That wolf is him! He's a werewolf!

(Eugene look at Varian use his tail to knock the guards out of his way. Eugene doubt it, till he see the streak on the fur, his eyes widen. Judy thrash against his hold, but he held her tight.)

Judy: Eugene, he won't hurt me. Please!

(Then he let her go. She run to the guards and stand between them and Varian.)

Judy: Don't hurt him! You're scaring him!

Cassandra: Judy! Get away from this beast!

Judy: The beast is Varian!

(Cassandra froze at this. This creature is Varian? But when Stan shoot a arrow from his crossbow to Varian, he let out a loud howl. Lance scream in fright. Judy run to Varian while he growl.)

Judy: Varian, it's me. Judy. Remember? Alchemy buddy?

(Varian just growl at her. She walk closer to him, putting a hand in his snout. He only growl at her, still on his wolf side. She hum a soft tune, and that seems to trigger something in his mind.)

Varian: J-J-Ju-Judy?

Judy: That's it big guy.

(She smile softly, happy he remember her. The guards look shock of this. And that's when Varian's eyes widen and back away from her.)

Varian: St-Stay away from me! I'm too dangerous! I could hurt you!

Judy: No you're not. I know you. You never hurt me.

Varian: B-B-But..I hurt lives! I could hurt you!

Judy: (walk closer to him) No you won't. My alchemy buddy would never harm me, even if he have to fight himself to keep me safe. You would never in your life hurt others even me.

(She touch his chest to feel his heart, Varian stare at her with worries. He look at her eyes, filled with care and love. Varian calm down under touch. The others are shock to see this. Judy hug him as he hug her back. And that's when the sun rise up, Varian push Judy away and roar in pain. The other watch in horror as Varian body morph and change back to his human body. He went unconscious and fell. Judy run to him and hold him up. He open his eyes to see Judy staring at him.)

Varian: J-Judy..

Judy: Take it easy. Varian! The mark!

(Varian turn to his side and see the bite mark is gone. He look at Judy.)

Varian: Wha-What now?

Judy: I..I don't know. I don't know.

(She hug him, as the two teen hug each other.)

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