Forty Four- Date

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Varian: (sweating with a red face) I''s just Uh.. Wouldyouliketohaveadatewithmeplease!?

(Judy stare at him confuse, Varian throw a nervous smile and the others watch in disbelief.)

Lance: So much for having confident.

(Rapunzel and Eugene glare at him, and that made him shut up.)

Judy: Can you..say it again please? I didn't get the last part.

Varian: (red face) I..I said...I... It's just that..I...

(Then Rapunzel stepped in between the two.)

Rapunzel: He wanted to ask you if you be interested in having dinner with him tonight, just the two of you.

(Judy stare at her, then to Varian who is shaking like a nervous wreck.)

Judy: You a date?

Rapunzel: Well, wouldn't call it a date. Just a meal between two people.

Judy: That would be a date still. (Arm crossed)

Varian: (blushing)'s a no?

(Judy turn to him, before pulling a soft smile.)

Judy: It's not like we haven't done it before. See you tonight my alchemy buddy.

(She walk around the group and continued her walk. Varian slowly put on a smile on his face, bigger than ever. Then he let out a loud holler of joy.)

Varian: Yes!Yes!Yes! (Laugh)

Rapunzel: (chuckle)

Eugene: Good job kid. You do know how to handle dates, right?

(And that cause Varian to freeze in place. Shoot! He's having his first date and he doesn't know the first thing about dates! A few hours later, the gang are teaching him methods of dating. Eugene teach of one of his smothers.)

Eugene: Now, let's try this one that I like to call, the shimmer.

(Eugene lower his left eyebrow, half lidded his eyes and throw a pouty smirk. Varian frown in confusion, but he give it a try. Eugene give a nod.)

Eugene: Kid, you're a natural. She's gonna be head over heels for that.

Varian: Will she?

Eugene: Totally!

(Rapunzel grab Varian and make him face her.)

Rapunzel: Sure the shimmer is a good plan, but you just have to be yourself. Just say what's on your mind. She does like you for you, does she?

Varian: She does.

Rapunzel: See? You have nothing to worry about.

(The next few hours, the gang give him tips and adives.)

Lance: Look straight and look her in the eyes.

Cassandra: Treat her the way se should be treated, not like a angel you see her, but as a human being.

Hook Foot: Support her, that's how it work on me.

Rapunzel: Be comfortable and relex.

Eugene: Comment on her look.

Lance: Make some small talk.

Cassandra: Don't let her out your sight.

Rapunzel: But most importantly, have fun. You got it.

(His face is board after all the talk he been getting, then he went to sleep. That night, the gang set up a table with lanterns as light, two chairs to sit, table wear and utensil and a tablecloth. Judy came by, but Rapunzel stopped her.)

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