1) Drill Sergeant

Start from the beginning

-No, ma'am, please!-He cried.-I want this so bad! Please!-I got back up.

-You don't want it bad enough.-I walked away and left him there in the mud. I walked to the front of the Quartel and waited for the team to come back.

-Miller is out.-I told them, signaling them to stop with my hand.-Damn!-I laughed and looked at my clock.-Day one, 9am. You ladies have been here for 4 hours and I already threw one of you out. This is gonna be a fucking blood bath! Oh, how I love it...-I walked inside.- Breakfast time. I'll meet you in an hour outside. Fuck off, jarheads! 

As they left to eat, I went outside for a smoke.  When I was about to finish, Miller was coming back, walking like a defeated man, exhausted, clothes full of mud. I looked at him and shook my head in disappointment. 

-Am I really out?-He asked.

-No. You know, I like throwing a little bit of a scene in the mornings, just to ease my bad mood.-I told him sarcastically.-Get the fuck out of my sight! Ain't no space for losers in my team.

-I had a fucking cramp! I was exhausted!-He argumented. 

-Too bad, Miller. I have spoken. 

-I'm being thrown out because I had bad luck! This is fucking ridiculous! 

-You believe what you wanna believe, Miller. Truth is you're simply not good enough for my team. Better luck next time.-I turned my back on him and went to get some food myself. 

-... she has an amazing butt that's for sure! I was ahead of the group just to be able to see all that jiggle!-I heard Adams say and laughing, as I walked inside the cafeteria. The guy sitting in front of him chocked on his sip of water as he saw me. Man, I was pissed.

-Is that a compliment, Mr Adams?-I tried to hold my horses. He looked over as shoulder at me and turned blue. He then jumped to his feet. 

-Hmm... No, ma'am!-He said, totally at lost for words. 

-Oh, no... Don't you get shy now.-I had everybody's attention by then.- I think the whole team would love to hear what you have to say.-I pushed the table away from him, violently and got right in his face.-C'mon, Adams. You were saying?-He looked at me confused and then straight ahead again.

-NnNothing, Sarg.!-He stuttered. His cheeks were blood red. I punched him right in the stomach so hard he threw up what he had  just had for breakfast. 

-You see, Adams, I don't like it when I'm taken for a fool. So, will you bless us with your genius opinions? C'mon... You were talking so bravely... What were you saying, faggot?!

-I... I...-He took a deep breath.-I was commenting on how fine your butt is, Sarg.-The older soldiers there started laughing. 

-Oh, you were?!-I asked him and then laughed myself. Adams was really confused-Sanchez, get here!-I called another Sergeant. He approached us, laughing. I tapped his back.-Sanchez, buddie, will you explain this piece of shit why you're laughing? Will you explain him why everybody's laughing?

-Oh kid...-He said in between laughs-You just got yourself an ass kicking that will put your mom's beatings to shame.-The moment Adams looked at me, I punched him hard in the nose, knocking him out.

I forced the whole team to do push ups and abs and other exercises while Adams was out. He was out for about 2 hours. 

-Oh, hey, princess!-I told him as soon as he woke up.-Look, guys, he finally woke up. How was the nap? I hope it was good because your buddies here have been working their butts off!-He got up. I pushed him to the ground again.-Sit down. Let's talk about my beautiful fine ass while your teammates go for 100 laps around the base.-The team was looking at us, pissed off. I looked at them.-What the fuck are you pigs staring at?! 100 laps! Quick time!-They started running. Adams scratched the back of his neck and buried his head in his knees. -You're gonna get your ass kicked, Adams. But not by me. 


On day two, there were 13 men left. It was 5 am when the whole team showed up outside, as usual. 

-Good morning, ladies!-I screamed.-God blessed us with another beautiful day!-The weather was even worse than the previous day. I walked among them and then reached Adams. Both of his eyes were black. He was in a pretty rough shape.-Looking "fine", Adams!-I joked.- Any bright comments for today? 

-No, ma'am!-He answered, looking straight forward, trying to hide just how pissed off he was. 

-Are you sure? I put up a V neck just for you! You sure you don't have anything to say? It's always a pleasure to hear what goes through your mind!-I pushed his buttons.

-Leave the kid, Jones!-I heard Sanchez behind me. I kept looking at Adams for a little longer and then left and shook Sanchez' hand. 

-Alright. So you already know Sergeant Sanchez, thanks to our little smartass in the back.-Adams pressed his lips against each other and looked down for a while. Sanchez hit me with his elbow and signaled me to move on.- Sanchez is gonna be my second. Whatever he says is law. You owe him just as much respect as you owe me. IF! If by any chance, I hear any complain about you ladies, I'll make sure I eat you alive with my own teeth. Is that understood?!

-Yes, ma'am!-They said. 

-Well, Sanchez... They're all yours!-I smiled. He nodded and started screaming instructions right away. I sat back and just watched. 

If they thought I was bad... Sanchez was a whole new definition of crazy. If they thought I was no good... It had only just began. 

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