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With my free hand, I held onto my brother for reassurance as Bee quickly removed the glass, my wound stinging in reaction to the surrounding air. Bee quickly dressed my wound, making sure it wouldn't be infected. "There we go, you did such a good job, princess," Bee whispered, stroking the skin around my now bandaged wound. Sam readily agreed, obviously scared of disagreeing. From the other side of the lounge, Wheelie declared his presence. "Is she done freaking out yet? I think the smaller mutt passed out."

I felt a little guilty that I scared Mojo and Frankie, hell- I was a little scared of myself now. That rage had come out of nowhere. It could strike again at any point, which only made me more paranoid than usual. "Bee," My voice wavered again, but this time it wasn't out of anger. Fear- real, serious fear- was gripping me tightly. I was breaking, cracking slowly from the inside out. Everything that happened to me, from losing Optimus to losing my parents, was slowly driving me insane. I didn't have the mental capacity to cope with such loses like Sam did. He relied on hobbies to get himself through, whereas I only had Bee. And he was busy half the time on missions with Cade.

"It's okay princess..." His presence usually calmed me down, but it didn't seem to be working today. My hand was aching painfully, and I could see the dawning slit of red seeping through my bandages. Even if I was currently stuck in a momentary lapse of sanity, how could I repair myself? Sam and Bee came here with me so we could find our parents, and instead, we'd found their graves. We expected to find our parents here, and be able to bring them back to South Dakota with us. Now we were stuck here, the relentless rain preventing us from returning to the Junkyard. Stuck inside the house that still reeked of blood. "I can't stay here, I can't-" I tried to get to my feet, but Bee held onto my shirt, keeping me glued to the couch.

"We can't leave until it's safe. We'll just have to spend the night here." I didn't want to, but Bee was right. With the oncoming storm, we were safer in here rather than out on the road where we could easily be attacked by the TRF. "Bee's right, Rose. We can sleep upstairs, away from the blood." Bee nodded along with Sam's words, gently bringing me to my feet, leading me towards the stairs. It'd been so long since I'd been home, that everything was a little less familiar, and I almost didn't remember where my room was. Bee did, however, as he carefully manoeuvred me through the doorway, sitting me down on my bed.

"Are you okay?" It was a simple question. It could have so many simple answers, but right now, I didn't have one. If I said yes, it would be a lie. If I said no, I would be giving in to my fear. I was stuck in limbo, unable to reach out for help. "I don't know." Comforted by the sight of my old queen sized bed, I sunk down onto the soft sheets. Bee just watched as I curled into a ball, clutching the floral patterned duvet in my fists, the movement causing my bandaged hand to burn mercilessly. "You're going to be okay, Rose." He murmured, and I felt one of his hands brushing against my back. "I promise." Rain pummeled the roof of the house I once called home, as I cried for my lost life.

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"Yo, Rose, where are you?" The voice of Cade woke me from my first decent sleep in months. It annoyed me to be woken up, but I paid my frustration no mind. "In here!" Frankie was no longer curled up beside me, most likely having gone out to see Sam or find Mojo. I rubbed my eyes of their tired state, unimpressed to find Cade standing in the doorway of my sleeping area. "Grimlock's being a pain in the ass. Can you rein in your BFF?" The man covered in grease teased me, remembering all the times Grimlock had gotten protective of me. That damn T-Rex was going to hurt someone soon. "Yeah, I'll be right out." Getting to my feet, I left the comfort of my bed, heading out into the dusty junkyard.

Drift was still doing his meditation, balancing on one of his swords. I could see Grimlock in the distance, wrecking havoc amongst the rusted husks of long gone vehicles. It looked as though he was chasing something, and knowing him, it was probably one of the baby Dinobots. "Grimlock!" I passed Hound on my way to deal with the Dinobot, and the commando just gave a gruff laugh as little ol' me stormed past with a pissed off expression. As much as I wanted to wipe the smirk off Hound's face, I had more important things to deal with. "GRIMLOCK!" He was indeed chasing one of the mini Dinobots. It was 'T', the smaller version of Grimlock himself.

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