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Tyler didn't stick around for long, but he thanked me for helping to turn the tide of war during Chicago. I made sure to put the memory chips of the three deceased Autobots in my backpack, retrieving Bee's ring as I did so. After saying goodbye to Tyler, Bee had driven us back to the abandoned church. The rest of the Autobots and my human family were dispersed amongst the interior, doing their own thing. I greeted Cade first, leaving my backpack with him before returning to Bee.

He'd wandered off to a corner of the building, and was examining his cannon when I returned. "Bee, can you engage your holoform for a minute?" Bee didn't question it, transforming and engaging his holoform. "Is something wrong?" I shook my head, feeling optics on my back. It was most likely Optimus or Crosshairs. "No, I just have something for you." I retrieved his ring from my pocket, holding it in my fist to prevent him from seeing it. "Hold your hand out." Bee looked more sceptical now but did as I said.

With my own ring on my finger, I placed the silver engraved ring in his palm. He opened his eyes, a grin breaking out the moment he saw his ring. "No way, you got me a ring??" He placed it on his finger, and I then held up my own hand, showing off my ring. "Matching rings." It took a moment for it to sink in. "That... That's the ring I got for you for that human holiday. When you were still attending Princeton." I nodded, more than happy that he remembered. "You still have it." I nodded again, smiling. "Of course I have it. It means everything to me."

Before I could say anything else, Bee scooped me up into his holoform's arms, hugging me tightly. It was enough of a shock to cause a squeal to escape me, which startled the Autobots in the building. I hugged him back, but upon seeing the stares from the other Autobots, I patted Bee's shoulder, whispering to him. "I think we're annoying Drift and Crosshairs." Bee paused for a second, smirking in the direction of the two warriors. Then, without any hesitance, captured my lips with his.

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Cade had put me in time out. He treated it seriously, too. Said I was 'encouraging Tessa' with my PDA. I'd tried to leave the corner of the church, but Crosshairs was playing the role of my guard, and it was getting on my nerves. He was finding it to be hilarious. It was only after twenty minutes had passed that Cade let me go. "No PDA, alright?" I shot Cade a glare as he reprimanded me. I was two seconds away from decking his ass on the concrete ground.

Shane had started a fire near the middle of the building a few minutes ago with the help of Hound, and Bee had taken to sitting on the floor in front of it in his bi-pedal form. With a helping hand from Bee, I climbed up to sit on his shoulder. Cade had tried to get me to stop, but he didn't know how long I'd been doing it. It was second nature for me now. "Hey, no smooching in front of me!" Tessa and Shane had previously been cuddled up together on a makeshift couch. Cade was having a go at them again.

"Poor Tessa. Her relationship is always under fire from Cade." Bee whirred quietly in response to my whispers. I had my legs tucked up close to my body, and my head resting against the side of Bee's neck. "You're so square. And who says smooching? What about Rose??" The Autobots attention was turned to me, cuddled up against Bee's neck. "Rose is an adult, she can do what she likes. You're my daughter, and I don't like seeing my daughter with some older guy." Sticking up for Tessa, I nonchalantly spoke.

"Well, that's not what you said earlier when you put me in time out. Also, Bee's a lot older than me, so I think Tessa's in the clear." Crosshairs snickered, covering it up as Optimus shot him a look. "Rose, I believe Cade is simply worried about the implications on Tessa's future, seeing that she is being courted by an older man." I shifted in place, slipping slightly on the smooth metal. This meant I had to hold onto something to keep myself in place. That thing happened to be one of Bee's neck cables. As soon as I grabbed it, he jolted forward, causing me to fall from his shoulder, shrieking as I did.

Bumblebee x OC [Books 1 - 6] (Old Series)Where stories live. Discover now