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"Sam, if you dare take my phone, I'll kick your ass!" My voice rang out across the house. Sam was being an ass again, taking my stuff. "I haven't touched it! And it's your turn to give Mojo his meds!" I muttered to myself about that damn dog. I loved him, but he was injured way too often for a small dog. "Fine!"

I had to hunt around the house for Mojo, unable to find him in his doghouse or with mom in the lounge. "Mojo, come here boy!" Speak of the devil, our little chihuahua came running out of Dad's office. He was wearing his leg cast, with a small cone to stop himself from messing with it.

"Okay, if you run, I'm just gonna catch you anyway," I spoke to my dog like he understood me. Which I'm pretty sure he didn't. But he sat still anyway, allowing me to hold him tightly and feed him two pills from the bottle he'd been prescribed by our local vet.

"Sam, come here!" Usually, my ass of a brother wouldn't listen to me and stay in his room. But he actually came downstairs for once, leaning against the bannister with a sarcastic look on his face. "You called?" I placed a hand on my hip, my signature shut-the-fuck-up stance.

"Is Dad taking us down to the car dealership this afternoon?" Although we may not get along very often, both Sam and I were excited about getting our first car. "Yeah. We both have similar car tastes, right?"

Before I could answer, Dad came running inside, creating a very loud bang as he dropped a bottle of weed killer on the wooden floorboards. "Your mother's going to kill me." It was worrying how often that sentence came out of my dad's mouth.

"What've you done this time?" Sam rolled his eyes, heading back upstairs, leaving me to deal with our parents. "I accidentally sprayed her petunias with weed killer!" Shit. Mom's petunias were her pride and joy. "Sorry, Dad. You're dead this time."

He frowned, scooping up the weed killer before walking back outside, glancing around wearily. My mother was an angel until she got angry. I quickly checked my phone for the time. 10:00am. That left me enough time to get my maths homework done before we left for the dealership at lunchtime. And it's going to take me two hours since I absolutely suck at math.

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"Rose! We're leaving with or without you!" The warning came as I was leaving through the front door, having taken longer than necessary to finish my math homework. "Yeah yeah, hold your horses!" Sam was way too excited about our first car. I mean yeah, I was excited too. But Sam couldn't sit still in the front seat.

"Come on, hurry up!" Sam called out, sticking his head out of his window. Walking faster down the driveway, I grumbled to myself. "I'm gonna kill him soon." I got into the backseat, pulling out my phone to play with absentmindedly as Dad started driving towards the car dealership.

"Any idea what you're looking for pumpkin?" I have no idea why Dad still called me that; I was turning eighteen in a few months. "Not really. I don't know that much about cars."

Sam suddenly piped up about fast cars and the top brands. I zoned out, playing Flappy Bird on my phone. "No, no way! Dad, you're kidding me!" Sam's voice broke through my concentration, and I looked up from my game.

We were at a dealership. But it was for an expensive brand, all the cars lined up neatly, every one of them groomed and shiny. Yet Dad continued to drive, pulling out of the dealership.

"You actually thought I'd buy you a Porsche for your first car??" I had to laugh along with Dad at Sam's expression. He looked like someone had just killed Mojo. "Not cool, Dad. Not cool."

We ended up across the street, at a cheaper looking car dealership. I didn't mind though. Any car was good, no matter what it looked like. "Have a look around kids. And no fighting!" I'd only just gotten out of the car when Sam rushed by, ducking through the rows of cars.

"Well then." I cast a quick glance around the yard. Dozens of cars, yet nothing stood out. Sam was looking at an old red car but moved on after a quick inspection. I started on the first row, walking slowly, looking at each car carefully. Sam was rushing around so much that he wasn't actually looking at them.

"Woah." On my third row, I stopped beside an old looking car. Faded paint, snazzy looking black stripes on the hood. "Hey Sam, come check this out!" My brother came running, walking a circle around the car.

Dad was talking to an older dark-skinned man, over by the offices. "What do you think? I think it's cool," Sam mumbled to himself, brushing a hand against the car's hood. "Could do with a paint job. But I like it."

At least we were agreeing on it. I didn't even think about asking for permission, opening the driver's door and getting in. It wasn't too bad on the inside, just needed a little TLC to get rid of the dust.

I brushed my fingertips across the steering wheel, finding a metal symbol embedded in the metal centre. "Weird..." I was so busy studying the symbol, I didn't even notice Dad making his way over with the dark-skinned man.

"You like what you see? The names Bobby, but you can call me Uncle Bobby B!" What a character. Sam started to bargain with 'Uncle Bobby B' as I relaxed in the car. There was something comforting about it. Maybe it was the Bumblebee shaped air freshener hanging from the rearview mirror, maybe it was the homey feel of its interior. Either way, I loved it.

"You said the car picks the driver!" Bobby suddenly changed his attitude towards the sale. "Yeah, and sometimes the car picks the kids with a cheap-ass father. Come on out now girlie." I huffed but got out of the car, feeling almost sentimental as I shut the door behind me.

"Come on man-" As Sam spoke, a loud and high pitched noise rang out across the car yard. It shattered car windows and windshields, causing me to shriek and duck for cover by Sam.

"4000, it's yours!" Bobby cried out, causing the noise to cease. Damn, was that the car?? "Okay then. Go on kids, check out your car while I sort things out." Sam and I both called Shotgun, but I managed to beat him to the driver's seat.

"Hah, I get to drive him home!" Sam narrowed his eyes at me from the passenger's seat. "Who says it's a him?" I rolled my eyes, one hand resting on the steering wheel. "He just is. I've got a hunch."

Dad came back not two minutes later, handing me the keys. "Drive safely home now kids. I'll be right behind you in case anything goes wrong." I was sure we'd be fine, yet Dad still insisted. I started up our car, Sam laughing to himself.

"This is amazing! We have a car!" I smiled to myself, pulling out of the dealership and down the road. "It is pretty cool." The drive was smooth, and we made it home with no issues at all.

"It's only midday. Have you got the time to help me clean out our car?" "Just a vacuum and quick clean." Sam obliged, which was very surprising. We didn't get along that often, but apparently, this car was going to be the thing that made us more tolerable to one another. "Sure. I'll just check in with Miles, he wanted to hang out tonight."

Sam and I got to work on our car just after he checked in with Miles, and meticulously worked over the car, cleaning every inch. By the end of the afternoon, it was gleaming. The rust was gone, leaving a clean surface with only chipping paint. We could fix that another time.

"Kids, dinner is ready!" Mom called to us, as Sam packed away the vacuum cleaner. "Thanks, Mom!" I parked our car in the garage, giving it one last look of pride before shutting the garage door and heading inside for dinner.


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