Chapter 18: the palace

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"Um ok now I think we're now officially lost people um can someone Google search palace in mystic?" Kate asked and we all shake our heads "nothing will show up since Google doesn't know this kind of world exist." Jason said and sighed hopelessly "hey um...since we are lost I'll go ahead of you guys bye!" Before we could say 'no you can't' Harry ran away from us and into the woods "now what are we going to do...stay here forever?" Samantha asked "Samantha you know that there is no such thing as forever right? It's just a word and it doesn't mean anything anymore." Anna said we all nodded "hey guys I'm back!" We looked at northwest since the voice is coming from there and Harry appeared "you now finally realized that you are nothing with out us." Rachel said and yeah technically Harry rolled his eyes. "No you guys are nothing without ME because I know where the palace is." He walked away and we followed him "why are you guys following me?" He asked without looking from behind "ehem I think I know how you found the palace." Taehyung said

Angel Lance: imagine this is an animation and Taehyung got some glasses and um...a blackboard and a chalk to write the thing he's about to say

Devil Arthur: yeah with a nerdy outfit don't forget that

"Well you see since you are air, air surrounds everything because if there is no air in that place how can someone live without it there hence air is important for us all henceforth that you can see where the palace is right now and all thy directions as I conclude my discussion children any questions?" Harry said teacher be likely and someone raised their hand "ah yes Rachel" Harry pointed his hand at Rachel "sir what if there is no air in that area since there is no living things anymore and since there are no living things anymore it is burnt and if someone or something is stupid enough to step there they will die...what if we need to go to that place how do we find it?" Harry stand silently and said "let's just get back to the journey I'll just think about that one." We followed Harry and when he stopped we saw the palace so huge there are flags of different colors and some other things like shining crystals.

"No one comes in!" The guard said and he saw the clip then he let us in.

A/n: Angel, devil I'm kind of loosing interest helping you make the elementals now

Angel Lance: please no a/n! Like you always say when you started something you better finish it

Devil Arthur: he's right you know it's hard to do this all by ourselves

A/n: *sigh* I know what I said it's just that nobody is reading anymore guys I'll just discontinue it ok nobody likes it anymore so...technically I'll discontinue elementals now.

Devil Arthur and Angel Lance: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

A/n: sorry guys but I have too and since I discontinued it you guys just....fade since you are just characters.

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