Chapter 16: the problem

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"The problem here is new and nothing else in the history of the mystic dime. People have gone crazy in the mortal world and this one happened~" the guy that has green all over him turned on the tv and the news went on 'citizens all over the world we have received a video and its owner is unknown but the video is all about people with supernatural powers and our childhood favorite creatures like the unicorn do they really exist?' We watched the whole video and my mouth is dropped and I think Anna just fainted.

"SHOCK!" Ella and her friend, Chris fajardo said and shocked Anna to awake from her faint if you know what I mean. "And the problem we are facing is very serious since it didn't happen before people are going crazy and killing people. And for elementals they are more dangerous than mortals are since they can kill in a snap. So we contained the elementals that has gone crazy In a science laboratory which in here is a government facility MSTYCD." They showed us a video of somewhat elementals that are in a glass trying to kill each other and some of them are dead on the floor.

Angel Lance: why not introduce the leaders to our readers and maybe Lance cause he doesn't know the names yet.

A/n: fine Rachel it's your cue might as well tell Lance their names.

"Um can someone tell me their names please?" I said quietly I want to know their names so bad. "Ok fine *since you told me too* um the guy with green robes around him I think...his name is Britt I don't know his last name tho... Idk their last names... The girl in the middle with the gold silk is Gail...then the blue coat is Leila...the red hoodie is Julian he is very smart and very responsible at least that what they told me... The one with the colorful whatever thing around her is the supreme leader Wisteria and yes her name is a flower that grows in China, Korea and Japan. The one with white yellowish color of the bow on her back is Anya. The guy who has a clip on his hair which is a lightning bolt is Ryan and the girl who has a star on her cheek is Kyla and her sister is right beside her which is Andrea."

And after that long intro I just nodded my head trying to memorize their names "we are now finding some new leaders for this era and there might be a big chance that the 9 new leaders will be found in this school." Wisteria said with her wise tone of voice I think or I think she's always like that. "To the next time we will all meet and we will talk to your dear principal with this matter of... The 'possessed' elementals." Leader of the earth elemental, Britt said and they all disappeared.

"My, my what prob-" when Samantha was about to say 'problem' we heard a male scream and we followed the voice where the screaming is coming from. My eyes widened as I saw the boy 'why is my life like this again?' I asked myself as I saw the boy and I met his eyes "Marc what happened to you I think you got possessed." I said carefully while I slowly approach him and he grabbed my hair and punched my face before he could do more Rachel made an ice wall to contain him. "Yah oppa you ok?" She asked and I raised an eyebrow and her expression-😅.

"Don't worry Anna put water at the ground on that ice wall I made please so he'll weaken." Taehyung said and she nodded and obeyed him. And not after 2 minutes he collapsed and FINALLY the principal arrived bursting through the cafeteria doors except it's not for Marc who they come for its for Chris and Jed they're going bonkers too. 'Oh shit! It's starting now' I thought "that's right Lance it is now starting the possession." Jason said with a little determination 'wait a hold of a horses minute did he just read my brain?' I thought like...seriously "yes I can it's part of my elemental." He said while smiling at me.

Then some other students went crazy so before we could get it we ran away from the scene all of our new friends got it except for Kate she's a survivor of it a disease I'm not sure. "Good thing we went out of that scene it's to much craziness...oh shit EOMMA! APPA!" The umbridge's said and we all teleported to the hella big mansion. We noticed that the place was trashed now "well ok there gone and they've gone crazy let's get back to the school maybe at the principal's office I think it's safe there." Ella said sadly.

We teleported to the office of ms. Railey and it looks like she's about to turn into a zombie too so might as well since she's electricity no water should be aloud. So might as well me and Anna made a very transparent stone wall...if you know what I mean.

Devil Arthur: just so you know the stone wall is stone but you can see through...yes but everything is possible because there's magic!

The principal sat down at the floor "guys have a seat a only have maybe a few minutes or less to talk to you before I turn into a zombie because I have the symptoms my eyes are turning into the color gray and it's halfway. Don't disrupt me when I'm talking. I was a spokesperson of leaders when I was like 20 years or younger because I'm very mature for my age. I went out because I would like to pursue my dream to be a principal of a school. And here is a my clip when I was a spokesperson this has a chip for the place of the leaders which is a very huge palace like the one you see in Disney movies but...bigger! Here's the clip and go and say that I sent you there cause the guards won't let just anyone in. So ok goodbye and good luck on your journey to the palace." She said and gave us a clip which immediately teleported us to the forest just right outside mystic academy.

Elementals (discontinue)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin