Chapter 15: The school

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Angel Lance and devil Arthur: HAPPY BIRTHDAY A/N!

A/n: you two thanks My classmates keeps telling me that... Even though it seems a little annoying I still appreciate it... But I didn't expect that you guys would tell me that too.

Angel Lance: of course you helped us with the details of lance's story we should have a little appreciation

Devil Arthur: even though I didn't want to do it I need to because he forced me and yeah what he said... How old are you anyway?

A/n: k thanks for the greetings and I'm like 12 years old today so still younger than Lance is let's get back to the story

Angel Lance and devil Arthur: you're too young to be smart as fuck...oops sorry for the profanity you're too young to here that.

A/n: no worries I here profanities everyday now back to the story.

"Lance isn't here nor his-" my mom entered my room and got surprised that we were there and we all said "Hi guys sorry for scaring you." And that was in sync I'm telling you. "Let me guess all of you developed your powers am I right?" We were a bit surprised on that question but we just nodded and smiled a bit.

"Fine*sigh* um I don't know how to teach you how to use your powers but... I know a school that I can enroll you today and a very low tuition indeed I think I can enroll you all. Wait are you two one of my best friends children? By I mean rijin's copper children?" My mom asked and they both nodded immediately "well good you guys better stop attending the school you're in now and I will send you to your school right!"

In a blink of an eye we were now here at a school named mystic academy and before my mom went back she gave us a map that says where our classrooms are but Jacob has private lessons since he is rare that only comes only 100 years. We separated and I went to my classroom and when I entered 'omfg it's so hot I can't take the heat!' I exclaimed in my mind "students it looks like we have a new student please introduce yourself in front of the class." The teacher said nicely and she stepped aside.

"Hi my name is Lance Arthur Cullen and I am *gulp* I used to have a brother." I said shyly and the teacher asked "dear what happened to your brother?" She said concerned-ish I whispered what happened to my Jin Paolo. "I'm so sorry... Now you can sit beside Marc please Marc raise your hand." A boy at the back raised his hand and I went to the seat that is blank... That is waiting for me to sit in it. "Hi Marc!" I said with enthusiasm but he just bowed down his head slightly and said "don't talk to me or you'll be like me but my full name is Marc Gabriel Lopez." He said quietly and I quickly thought that he was an Jin Paolo.

I eventually got him to befriend me since I am back to my nice self after maybe...10 minutes and that's what you call a new record. And now was finally lunch and I finally met up with my friends with of course. Me and Marc are not really close though... We are very tight close since we knew we have a lot in common and if I want to get in trouble he said he'll be there with me in that trouble finally! And now I'm at the cafeteria with my friends and I see that have new friends too just one though like me. Maybe except Jason.

"Introduce your friends and here is my new friend Jed!" Jacob said with enthusiasm and the guy with red hair smiled and waved shyly. I noticed that Rachel and Taehyung rolled their eyes. "Here is my friend Kate she's very nice." The girl with glasses and jet black hair did the V sign or is it the peace sign? Not sure. They introduced all their friends and I introduced Marc to them. "Hey where is my brother?" Anna asked and we all shrugged suddenly. "STUDENTS OF MYSTIC ACADEMY WE HAVE A NEW STUDENT AND HE IS VERY RARE HE IS THE LIFE ELEMENT THAT ONLY COMES 100 YEARS. please be kind to him I expected great behaviors from you all to him." Ms. Mary said.

Jason looks so embarrassed and went to our table immediately "um...guys can you be on your best behavior today the leaders are coming today." We were all shook from what he said and while here we have Taehyung and Rachel not giving a shit and listening to music. "Bitches didn't you heard what I just said the leaders are coming this day!" He exclaimed and Rachel opened her mouth "this IS our best behavior but don't worry we can do better when they come." And all of us at the table looked at them with this emoji-😑😅.

"Oh shit you guys I can sense them coming please do your best behavior now please!" Jason pleaded and we did what he said and just laugh and talk like normal teenagers would do. "Ah I see I can sense there is another life element here." They all look so... What's the word again?...ah fit! And I can't believe that they ran this dimension I think for 100 years like...omg.

"We have a problem to face and it looks like it's already starting in this dimension and in the mortal." The one in middle with gold silk tied at her waist. A problem what kind of problem is this?

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