Chapter 7: back to the old but we are new (the new girl's narrative)

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"Um...Christine are you sure they won't notice us? I mean maybe they'll see our personalities and you know BOOM! enemies or as we call them... Bullies."  Diane said unsure of our new looks after a year of our 'mysterious' disappearance. "Don't worry let's just be nice to the ones who are nice and bad to the bad." Nikki said to Diane. When we got in front of the school doors. "Go Julie! Push the door like you're a popular kid from your old school!" Iñigo cheered me and they got ready with there poses.

I giggled a little then when I was ready I burst opened the doors and walked in. Then I saw my old friend I would like to greet him...but rumors say he got back to being a playboy, a bully, a bad popular. "HI! My name is Lance what's yours?" He asked me I raised an eyebrow on the outside but inside I was sad. Then Jin answered him "Lance? A stupid name don't tell me your second name is... Ooh I don't know stupider than that." I flipped my hair in front of his face.

When we got through the crowd "Jin you don't have to say that in front of your own brother." I told him "Julie remember that we're new kids now nobody knows us... And my own brother became a bully and doesn't even recognize me..." He made a sad face while his head is down "guys we'll tell them when the time comes then they'll be shocked and we'll tell them the whole story." The used to be quiet boy Iñigo said.

(>>time skip to lunch!>>)

When we entered the cafeteria we saw two large crowd gathered in the right and left corner in the cafeteria "Jin, Iñigo go check that out... While me Christine and Nikki will check that area." We went to the area while the 2 boys went to the other one. "Ha! Pathetic you try to fight back but can't." Joyce said to a girl then when Aliyah was about to pour her drink over the poor girl's face "cause you are a bitch." She said then I stepped forward "aren't you a crazy bad bitch?" She looked at me with her eyes.

I told the girl to come with me to get some clothes for her but before that I slapped Aliyah at her right cheek and went with the girl.

"Thank you for saving me from them- oh by the way my name is Anna cooper what's yours?" The blonde girl... Or Anna cooper said "well my name is Christine Julie park nice to meet you!" Then when opened my eyes after saying that I saw her jaw dropped "wait... As in the Christine Julie park the one that mysteriously disappeared a year ago? Wow you've changed... A lot... But when you entered here you're still as cold as before." I laughed at that "yes that's me surprised much?" She nodded.

"Wait if you're here then... Are your others friend here also?" I nodded and said "bruh they just entered with me." Jaw dropped again when she was about to open her mouth again for a question "Jesus Christ I'll explain everything at dismissal time ok?" She said ok and I went back to class.

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