Chapter 5: mysterious disapperance, the old is now back

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I fell asleep so suddenly then when I woke up it was 7:00 am still early for school but I bothered to go down and have breakfast. "Lance dear can you wake up your brother?" I nodded to my mom and went to his room. And I suddenly screamed my mom went up immediately. "What's wrooooong?!" She saw it Jin wasn't in his room.

"Lance where's your brother? And his belongings...are gone!"  My mother exclaimed and look at his closet all his clothes, pictures, books and everything are gone! How? "Lance hurry and go to school maybe you'll meet your brother ok? Hurry go and get a bread when you leave and take a bath do your hygiene!" Of course still typical mom. I did what she said and went out of the house.

"Hey Lance!" Harry said in front of me right now "Sorry Harry but I have a code red!" He got surprised when I said code red "why? what happened?" He asked me I tried to calm down a little but I can't but I told him "Jin is missing he isn't in his room please help me find him!" He got shocked but still manage to run to school and I followed him.

When we entered the school we not only noticed that the crowed is full at the hallway but Christine, Diane, Nikki and Iñigo are also missing.

"The 4 are also missing what are we going to do?" Harry asked me but sincerely I said I don't know. "Just to survive this let's just go back to our old friends I'm sure they're going to accept us." I said and he agreed. We went to our old friends "So you finally decided to join us... Well... Welcome back bros! We forgive you Lance even you punched us we forgive you!"

Well we were happy now that old me is back I don't fucking care about my annoying brother anymore... Caring Lance is out! Bad boy Lance is now back in! And no thing can bring me down anymore. I don't have a brother... I don't need friends that are outcasts from the community... I need friends that can make my popularity rise up again. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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