He was muscular, very big, & scruffy with a big beard and lots of hair.

"Stop!" I winced as he got me in some sort of lock. He began walking me toward the crowd with Stefan & Damon.  I couldn't struggle at all, his strength dominating me.

"Found it." The man said throwing me in the middle of everyone. I quickly stood up holding up my stake in defense, in return getting laughs...

"Mackenzie what are you doing here?" Stefan snapped.

"Are you crazy!" Damon yelled.

I slowly began walking toward them, feeling unsafe in the middle.

"Stop!" The woman declared at me.

Turning I stared at the woman, "Come here, or die."

My eyes grew wide & I quickly walked toward her, tripping halfway there.

She fakely smiled at me before slamming me against the camper, holding a knive against my throat.

"Her for him." She demanded tightening the grip.

I looked up at Stefan, who looked terrifed.

Stefan slowly let go of Tyler, "Go." He said nudging him.

Tyler slowly made his way toward us until he was by my side, staring at me with crazy eyes.

"What do you want, freak?" I snapped.

The woman growled then lowered the knife.

"Give her, now." Stefan said showing his fangs.

The woman shoved me at them, Stefan speeding to my side quickly helping me up.

"Which one of you killed Mason?" A bald man asked. I believe that was Damon.

Damon raised his hand proudly, "That would be me!" He confidently said. Yep.

"Make that one suffer." The bald man concluded.

Wait so they were going to hurt us?

"We can take them." Damon whispered to Stefan.

Just then, the woman whistled, causing tons of men & woman to appear from the forest surrounding us.

"You really think so huh?" I muttered as Stefan's grip tightened on me.

His mouth lowered to my ear, "Run." He whispered before Damon & him began to fight their war.

Like he said my legs rapidly moved, but I ran right into a smiling man. Holding up a pair of handcuffs he pushed me, my face colliding onto the hard ground.

The cuffs were now around me & I was thrown to my feet. "Aren't you a petty little human, who dates blood suckers." He growled. All I wondered was where Elijah and his witch were!

"Fuck you" I spat as he grinned. He took another step closer, making me back up right into a tree.

"If you insist?" He growled before running at me & ripping my cotton black shirt off my torso. No no no, "Stefan! Help me!" I yelped. I looked to see Stefan on the ground, helpless.  Not like this not like this.

"I love when they fight," The man muttered as he shoved himself at me. I raised my knee colliding it with his nuts. He was now on the ground, in pain.

I began running farther away, which was hard considering I had cuffs around my wrists. "Where are you, little bitch!" I heard the man yell, footsteps getting closer. Keeping my pace steady I looked behind me, him close behind.

Not paying attention I tripped on my own two feet.  I was now on my stomach, with no hands to help me up. I began struggling trying to get up but was stopped by the man gripping my hair pulling me up. "You're going to pay," he sharply said in my ear.

My eyes slammed shut, not wanting to see anything more. But all I heard was a snap. Slowly my eyes opened, he's a man to his word.

"MacKenzie." He announced holding his hand out, helping me up. "Are you alright?" He asked. I nodded, "Thank god you came Elijah, he was going to kill me!" I said showing him the cuffs.

"Here c'mere" he said. I cautiously walked toward him, he ripped the cuffs off like they were nothing. "Thank you, Elijah." I thanked with a slight smiling. He nodded before sighing, "Lets go, I will take you home." He said.

"Wait! Stefan?" I panicked, he shushed me, "He is fine, my witch helped them." He concluded. Sighing in relief I nodded, "Do you have a car to take me home?" I asked as we stood in the dark.

He shook his head, "Get on my back." He softly demanded or asked don't really know. Slowly nodding, I jumped on his back & within 10 seconds was at my front door.

I hopped off his back, as he brushed himself off. "Thanks for saving me, and my friends." I quickly said. "A deal is a deal, I do not break them." He replied as the front door opened.

"Kenz," Stefan said looking between Elijah & I. "I must get going, goodbye MacKenzie, I'll have your car towed here." Elijah concluded before speeding away. I ran inside, ramming into Stefan. "You're okay." I whispered, grateful he didn't get hurt.

He shook his head, "No I'm not, don't ever do that again. You could of died Kenzie!" Guilty I stared at the ground, I was just trying to help.

"Hey look at me," he softly said, lifting my chin up. "I am just glad you are okay." He said before pecking my lips, then my nose, then my forehead. Giggling I wrapped my arms around his neck, "Me too."

Elena began walking down the steps with a bag & pillow. Pulling away, we looked at Elena. "Where are you going?" I asked smirking. Elena dropped her stuff & collided into me, "You're okay!" She screamed, pulling away.

I nodded, laughing, she always got so worked up about everything... "Answering your question, Elena is going to Carolines, she had a bad day." Stefan slowly said. "Wanna come?" Elena peeped holding up her stuff.

I quickly nodded, "I need one too..."


Once I had my stuff ready, Stefan took us to Carolines, where Bonnie met us.

Stefan knocked on the door, "Thought you may of needed a girls night." He said as we came into view.

A big smile crept onto her face, we all began to walk toward her & give her a big hug.

Everyone went but Stefan held me back swinging me towards him. "Don't get in any trouble..." He said tugging at my ponytail. Grinning I tilted my head & grabbed a handful of his tee, bringing him closer, "I'll try not to." I whispered before walking inside.


Once we were all settled in, we all sat on Carolines bed watching Gossip Girl. "I wish I had a relationship like Blair & Chuck!" Caroline whined, throwing her hands in the air.

"I want one like Nate & Vanessa..." Bonnie muttered as we continued to watch.

"Dan & Serena!" Elena & I said at the same time. "Two twins think alike," I said, as we all laughed.

Once we finished watching 1 whole season of Gossip Girl everyone slowly fell asleep one by one. I got my phone & texted Stefan.

To: Babe

Hey, going to sleep, goodnight(:

Clicking send I plopped on the bed, as full as it was I had a sliver of the bed to sleep on. My phone vibrated & I instantly looked at it.

From: Babe

Goodnight, sweet dreams

Smiling I locked my phone, closing my eyes & drifting to sleep.

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