[Season 1] Part 5 - It's Over

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YOU really blew this, babe

We don't get through this one, babe

Babe - Sugarland ft Taylor Swift



It's midnight. I should have slept a few hours ago, but I couldn't sleep.

I walked into the kitchen and took a glass of water. Then, I saw my git resting against the wall beside the cabinet. I smiled and took it.

I sat on the kitchen floor and started playing the original notes very slowly. Then put it together with new words popping up in my head. I repeat it again! When you are stressed and frustrated like this, you will immediately be inspired to write songs.

Suddenly my cellphone rang loudly. I walked to the dining table and saw the name on the screen,


I can't answer it. At least not for now. I ignored it and continued playing my guitar. He called me again, and so continued for 30 minutes.

Over time, I began to feel annoyed. Finally I put my guitar and grabbed my cellphone. I see the screen still on, but the name on the screen is different,


Without thinking, I immediately answered,

"Hello, Dani?" my greeting.

"Hi Mia, how are you?" the answer is on the other end.

"I'm good, Dani. Glad you called. What's up?" I asked.

A moment of silence there, suddenly,

"You haven't slept yet? It's already night right?"

My breath caught up. That voice ... A voice that I know very well.

"Marc? Why are you ... um, yes. I was sleeping when you called."

"... Why did you ... go back to Indonesia Mia? Why not tell me first? And why didn't you contact me again? Are you still mad at me, Mia?"

I massaged my left temple, I was confused about what to answer.

"Mia ..." He called me softly. "Didn't we make up? Have you forgiven me, Mia?"

I sighed and sat down. Honestly, I was weaker if Marc acted like this, pleading, gentle and trying to convince me in his tone than Marc who kissed me with his ambition at the time.

"I ..., I need time for myself, Marc ..." I replied weakly. He paused there, "Please understand Marc, let me clear my mind," I said.

"But how long will you silence me, Mia?"

Now I'm silent, then like talking to myself I answer, "I don't know ..."

He sighed. "I'll change Mia, I promise. As long as you're still with me. You're like a house to me Mia. Only with you can I feel calm from all this frenzy."

I thought, Marc didn't look like he used to be like this. Has he really changed? Or is this part of the ambition?

"Then what about me, Marc?" my answer trembled. "Have you ever thought about my happiness? You always ignored me and betrayed me Marc!" I said a little more in a high tone. I closed my face with one hand, rubbing it slowly trying to clear my mind. "Give me time Marc. My heart ... feels like it's still sick." I continue. "To be honest ... I don't know ... you love me or just ambition for me."

"What are you talking about Mia? I love you!"

"You want to go back to me so that Vinales can't defeat you right? You two are the same as Marc. As long as you know, I don't want to be between your two rivalries!"

"I swear to God, I don't use you to defeat Vin, Mia! I really love you! I want you to always be my home!" the answer is passionate.

"Never mind, Marc! Enough. It's over." I said then hung up. I cry. Crying out.




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